Finding Joy In These Current Times?在當前時代找到喜悅? Why It's Not Such An Absurd Idea, Really為什麼這不是一個荒謬的想法
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值得紀念的是2020年-實際上,對於很多人來說, 一場噩夢。 “ 流感大流行, 隨著 政治動盪社會動盪給許多人帶來了焦慮,傷心欲絕,義憤填和不和。


作為一個 研究歡樂角色的學者 在日常生活中,我相信在痛苦中快樂是不可思議的強大伴侶。



While researching joy, I was speaking at funerals.在研究歡樂時,我在葬禮上講話。 At times, even reading about joy felt so absurd that I almost vowed to be anything but joyful.有時,即使閱讀有關喜悅的信息也是如此荒謬,以至於我幾乎發誓除了喜悅之外,什麼都沒有。



我想清楚一點: 歡樂與幸福不同。 Happiness tends to be the pleasurable幸福往往是快樂的 感覺我們從生活順利的感覺中得到.

Joy, on the other hand, has a mysterious capacity to be felt alongside sorrow and even – sometimes, most especially – in the midst of suffering.另一方面,在悲傷中,甚至有時(尤其是在痛苦中),喜悅具有一種神秘的能力。 This is because joy is what we feel deep in our bones when we realize and feel connected to others – and to what is genuinely good, beautiful and meaningful – which is possible even in pain.這是因為,當我們意識到並感到與他人(以及真正善良,美麗和有意義的事物)之間的聯繫時,我們就會深深地感到喜悅。即使在痛苦中,也是如此。 Whereas happiness is generally the effect of evaluating our circumstances and being satisfied with our lives, joy does not depend on good circumstances.幸福通常是評估我們的處境並滿足我們的生活的效果,而快樂並不取決於良好的處境。


A couple of days after my cousin's husband died, a small group of family members and I were shopping for funeral items when the group decided to go to the place where Dustin had died by suicide.我堂兄的丈夫去世幾天后,當我決定去達斯汀因自殺而去世的地方時,我和一小部分家庭成員在買葬禮。 It was getting dark and the sun had almost set.天快黑了,太陽快要落山了。

As we were taking in the landscape we suddenly noticed a star above the trees.當我們在欣賞風景時,突然發現樹木上方有一顆星星。 Standing next to one another in a line, we looked across the sky and one of us asked whether any other stars could be seen.我們排成一行,站在天空中望去,我們中的一個人問是否還能看到其他恆星。 There were none.沒有。 We realized that there was just this one exceedingly bright shining star in the sky.我們意識到,天空中只有一顆極其耀眼的恆星。

Gazing at the star, we felt as if Dustin had met us there, that he'd allowed that single star to be seen in the sky so that we would know he was all right.注視著這顆恆星,我們感覺好像達斯汀在那兒遇見了我們,他允許他在天空中看到那顆單星,以便我們知道他沒事。 It was not the kind of relief we wanted for him.這不是我們想要給他的那種解脫。 But for a few minutes we allowed the tragedy of what had occurred in this very space, just two days before, to hang in the background, and we instead focused on the star.但是有幾分鐘,我們讓僅僅兩天前在這個空間發生的悲劇籠罩在背景中,而我們專注於恆星。 We were filled with a kind of transformative, quiet joy.我們充滿了一種變革性的寧靜的喜悅。 And we all gave ourselves over to this moment.我們大家都獻給了這一刻。

As 學者亞當·波特凱 在他2007年的書中提到“歡樂的故事”,“歡樂就是一種照明”,即超越其他事物的視野。

同樣, Nel點頭,斯坦福大學教授,2013年著作“關懷”將快樂描述為一種“伴隨著我們的親密關係而實現的感覺”。 What Noddings meant by relatedness was the special feeling we get from caring about other people or ideas.點頭的關聯性意味著我們從關心他人或想法中獲得的特殊感覺。


When I teach about joy, I use an example from my family to explain this.當我講講歡樂時,我用家人的例子來解釋這一點。 When my sister looks at a Mason jar now – whether in someone's hand filled with tea or bursting with flowers on a friend's coffee table – it reminds her of her son Mason.當我姐姐現在看著梅森罐子時,無論是手裡拿著茶還是在朋友的咖啡桌上盛開著鮮花,它都使她想起了兒子梅森。 It is not just an object she is seeing, but a relationship imbued with beauty, goodness and meaning.她不僅看到的是一個對象,而且還充滿了美麗,善良和意義。 It gives her a feeling that can be described only as joy.它給了她一種只能描述為喜悅的感覺。

We cannot put joy on our to-do lists;我們不能在待辦事項清單上高興; it does not work that way.它不能那樣工作。 But there are ways we can prepare ourselves for joy.但是,我們可以通過多種方式為喜悅做準備。 There are “gateways” to joy that help us to become more open to it.有通往快樂的“門戶”,可以幫助我們變得更加開放。

Gratitude involves bringing to mind the good that is in the world, which makes rejoicing possible.感恩牽涉到世界上的美好事物,這使歡樂成為可能。 The feeling that follows contemplating nature or art that we find inspiring is often joy, as these are experiences that help people feel connected to something beyond themselves, whether to the natural world or to others' feelings or experiences.在思考自然或藝術之後,我們會激發靈感的感覺通常是快樂,因為這些體驗可以幫助人們感覺到與自己以外的事物的聯繫,無論是與自然世界還是他人的感受或經歷。 Since “hope,” as由於“希望” 神學家尤爾根·莫爾特曼(JürgenMoltmann) 曾經說過,這是“對快樂的期待”,寫出希望可以幫助我們期待快樂。



Retrospective joy comes in vividly recalling a previous experience of unspeakable joy.回顧性的歡樂生動地讓人回想起以前難以言喻的歡樂。 For example, we can imagine in our minds an occasion when we helped someone else, or someone unexpectedly helped us, a time we felt deeply loved … the moment we saw our child for the first time.例如,我們可以想像一下,當我們初次見到孩子的時候,我們深深地被愛著,或者我們曾經幫助過別人,或者有人意外地幫助了我們。 We can close our eyes and meditate on the memory, even walk through the details with someone else or in a journal and, often, experience that joy again, sometimes even more acutely.我們可以閉上眼睛,沉思在記憶中,甚至可以與其他人或在日記本中瀏覽細節,常常會再次體驗到這種快樂,有時甚至會更加敏銳。

There is a kind of joy, too, that is redemptive, restorative – resurrection joy.也有一種快樂,那就是救贖的,恢復性的–復活的快樂。 It is the feeling that follows things that are broken getting repaired, things that we thought were dead coming back to life.這種感覺跟隨著破碎的東西得到修復,我們認為已經死了的東西復活了。 This kind of joy can be found in apologizing to someone we have hurt, or the feeling that follows recommitting ourselves to sobriety, a marriage or a dream we feel called to.這種快樂可以在向我們受到傷害的人道歉,或者是將自己重新定義為清醒,婚姻或我們夢called以求的感覺時發現。

Futuristic joy comes from rejoicing that we will again glimpse meaning, beauty or goodness, and seemingly against all odds feel that they are connected to our very life.未來的快樂來自於歡樂,我們將再次瞥見含義,美麗或善良,並且似乎在種種困難中感覺它們與我們的生活息息相關。 This type of joy can be found, for example, through singing in a religious service, gathering at a protest demanding change or imagining a hope we have being realized.可以通過例如在宗教儀式中唱歌,在抗議中集會,要求改變或想像我們已經實現的希望等方式找到這種喜悅。

In the midst of a year in which it is not difficult to stumble onto suffering, the good news is that we can also stumble onto joy.在不難發現痛苦的一年當中,好消息是我們也可以發現喜悅。 There is no imprisoned mind, heartbreaking time or deafening silence that joy cannot break through.沒有牢牢的頭腦,令人心碎的時間或震耳欲聾的沉默,而喜悅是無法突破的。




實踐神學助理教授Angela Gorrell, 喬治·H·特魯特神學院。 George H. Truett神學院是神學院聯合會的成員。談話 ATS是The Conversation US的資金合作夥伴。

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由James Clear

在這本書中,James Clear 提供了一份關於養成好習慣和改​​掉壞習慣的綜合指南。 該書基於心理學和神經科學的最新研究,包括用於創造持久行為改變的實用建議和策略。


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作者:Faith G. Harper,博士,LPC-S,ACS,ACN

在這本書中,Faith Harper 博士提供了理解和管理常見情緒和行為問題的指南,包括焦慮、抑鬱和憤怒。 這本書包括有關這些問題背後的科學信息,以及應對和治療的實用建議和練習。




在這本書中,查爾斯·杜希格 (Charles Duhigg) 探討了習慣形成的科學,以及習慣如何影響我們的個人生活和職業生活。 本書包括成功改變習慣的個人和組織的故事,以及實現持久行為改變的實用建議。



通過 BJ 福格

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在這本書中,羅賓·夏爾馬 (Robin Sharma) 提供了一份指南,可以幫助您儘早開始新的一天,從而最大限度地提高工作效率和潛力。 這本書包括實用的建議和策略,用於創建支持您的目標和價值觀的早晨例程,以及通過早起改變生活的個人的鼓舞人心的故事。
