當Covid-19 Superspreaders交談時,您在房間裡的位置很重要
湯姆·沃納(Tom Werner)通過蓋蒂圖片社

It doesn't take long for airborne coronavirus particles to make their way through a room.空氣中的冠狀病毒顆粒可以很快進入房間。 At first, only people sitting near an infected speaker are at high risk, but as the meeting or class goes on, the最初,只有坐在受感染髮言人附近的人處於高風險之中,但是隨著會議或課堂的進行, 微小的氣溶膠 可以傳播。


As 工程師,我一直在進行跟踪氣溶膠運動的實驗,包括那些在 可以攜帶病毒.

What I've found is important to understand as more people return to universities, offices and restaurants and more meetings move indoors as temperatures fall.隨著越來越多的人回到大學,辦公室和餐館,並且隨著溫度下降,越來越多的會議在室內舉行,我所發現的東西很重要。 It points to the highest-risk areas in rooms and why它指出了房間中風險最高的區域以及原因 適當的通風至關重要.


如我們所見 與唐納德·特朗普總統和華盛頓其他人一起,如果不採取預防措施,冠狀病毒可以在近距離快速擴散。 19至18歲之間的病例 超過一倍 XNUMX月份學校重新開放後,在中西部和東北部開展了活動。



最新的模型描述了通風對人體的作用 房間中空氣中微生物的命運 assume the air is well mixed, with the particle concentration uniform throughout.假設空氣混合均勻,整個顆粒濃度均勻。 In a poorly ventilated room or small space, that is likely true.在通風不良的房間或狹小的空間中,這很可能是正確的。 In those scenarios, the entire room is a high-risk region.在這些情況下,整個房間都是高風險區域。

However, in larger spaces, such as classrooms, good ventilation reduces risk, but likely not uniformly.但是,在較大的空間中,例如教室,良好的通風可以降低風險,但可能不會均勻。 My research shows that how high the level of risk gets depends a lot on ventilation.我的研究表明,風險的高低很大程度上取決於通風狀況。

To understand how the coronavirus can spread, we injected aerosol particles similar in size to those from humans into a room and then monitored them with sensors.為了了解冠狀病毒如何傳播,我們將大小類似於人類的氣溶膠顆粒注入了一個房間,然後用傳感器對其進行監控。 We used a 30-foot by 26-foot university classroom designed to accommodate 30 students that had a ventilation system that met我們使用了XNUMX英尺x XNUMX英尺的大學教室,該教室旨在容納XNUMX名通風系統符合要求的學生 推薦標準.

When we released particles at the front of the classroom, they reached all the way to the back of the room within 10 to 15 minutes.當我們在教室前部釋放粒子時,它們在20至XNUMX分鐘內一直到達教室的後部。 However, because of active ventilation in the room, the concentrations at the back, about XNUMX feet from the source, were about one-tenth of the concentrations close to the source.但是,由於房間內的通風良好,所以背部的濃度(距排放源約XNUMX英尺)約為排放源附近濃度的十分之一。

That suggests that with appropriate ventilation, the highest risk for getting COVID-19 could be limited to a small number of people near the infected speaker.這表明,在適當的通風條件下,獲得COVID-XNUMX的最高風險可能僅限於感染者附近的一小部分人。 As the time spent indoors with an infected speaker increases, however, risk extends to the entire room, even if ventilation is good.但是,隨著室內揚聲器被感染的時間增加,即使通風良好,風險也會擴展到整個房間。

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In the past, the transmission of respiratory diseases has focused on the role of larger particles that are generated when we sneeze and cough.過去,呼吸系統疾病的傳播主要集中在打噴嚏和咳嗽時產生的較大顆粒的作用。 These droplets fall quickly to the ground, and social distancing and這些飛沫迅速落到地面,與社會疏遠和 口罩戴 可以在很大程度上防止感染。

現在更大的關注是 被稱為氣溶膠的微小顆粒 當我們說話時產生的 or even just breathe.甚至只是呼吸These particles, often smaller than 5 micrometers, can escape from cloth face masks and這些粒子通常小於XNUMX微米,可以從布口罩和 在空氣中停留約12小時。 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finally疾病預防控制中心 承認存在風險 在特朗普住院後的5月19日,政府中或政府附近的其他幾人的COVID-XNUMX呈陽性。

雖然這些較小的顆粒平均攜帶的病毒少於人們咳嗽或打噴嚏時散發的較大病毒,但SARS-CoV-2的高感染性與 高病毒載量 在症狀出現之前,這些顆粒對於空氣傳播疾病的傳播很重要。


為了最大程度地減少室內的COVID-19傳播,CDC的頂部 建議 is to eliminate the source of infection.是消除感染源。 Remote learning has effectively done this on many campuses.遠程學習已在許多校園中有效地做到了這一點。 For face-to-face teaching, engineering measures such as ventilation, partition shields and filtration units can directly remove particles from the air.對於面對面的教學,通風,隔斷罩和過濾裝置等工程措施可以直接從空氣中清除顆粒。


Understanding how ventilation lowers your risks of getting COVID-19 starts with air exchange rates.了解通風如何降低您獲得COVID-XNUMX的風險始於空氣交換率。 An air exchange of one per hour means that the air supplied to the room over one hour equals the volume of air in the room.每小時進行一次空氣交換,意味著在一小時內提供給房間的空氣等於房間中的空氣量。 Air exchange rate空氣交換率 範圍從少於一個家庭 到周圍 醫院手術室15-25.

For classrooms, the current regulations of primary air flow correspond to an air exchange of about six per hour.對於教室,當前的主要空氣流量規定對應於每小時大約六次的空氣交換。 That means that every 10 minutes, the amount of air brought into the room equals that of the volume of the room.這意味著每隔XNUMX分鐘,進入房間的空氣量等於房間的空氣量。

How high the concentration gets depends in part on the number of people in the room, how much they emit and the air exchange rate.濃度的高低部分取決於房間中的人數,他們的排放量和空氣交換率。 With social distancing reducing classroom populations by half and everyone wearing masks, the air in many indoor spaces is actually cleaner now than it was before the pandemic.隨著社會距離的減少,教室人口減少了一半,而且每個人都戴著口罩,實際上,許多室內空間的空氣現在比大流行之前更清潔。




Being close to an air exit vent could mean that airborne particles from the rest of the room could wash over you.靠近出風口可能意味著房間其他地方的空氣傳播顆粒可能會沖洗您。 A study of研究 中國一家餐館的通風氣流 追溯了它在當地顧客中幾種COVID-19疾病中的作用。

正常運行將清除房間中約95%的顆粒 30分鐘內通風,但房間中的被感染者意味著這些顆粒也會不斷散發出來。 The pace of particle removal can be accelerated by increasing the air exchange rate or adding other engineering controls such as filtration units.可以通過增加空氣交換速率或添加其他工程控制(例如過濾單元)來加快顆粒去除的速度。 Opening windows will also often increase the effective air exchange rate.打開窗戶通常也會增加有效的空氣交換率。

隨著學校,飯店,購物中心和其他公共場所開始容納更多的室內人員,了解其風險並遵循 CDC的建議 可以幫助減少感染傳播。



Suresh Dhaniyala,Bayard D. Clarkson傑出的機械和航空工程教授, 克拉克森大學

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