圖片由 亞倫 

Movies that suck for an hour then end well are remembered as good movies.吸了一個小時然後結局很好的電影被認為是好電影。 Those that are decent for an hour but suck at the end take their place in history as bad movies.那些像樣的一個小時但最後卻糟透了的電影在歷史上已成為劣質電影。 So, how is your life going to end?那麼,你的生活將如何結束?

Most of us don't give death much thought until it intrudes, sometimes without warning.我們大多數人在死亡入侵之前不會多加思考,有時甚至沒有警告。 The phone rings at three am Oh oh.電話在凌晨三點響起。


I once climbed a 40-foot pole then leapt for a zip line, missed it, and slowly descended back to earth in my safety harness, reflecting that I'd aimed too low.我曾經爬過XNUMX英尺高的桿,然後跳上一條滑索,錯過了它,然後用安全吊帶慢慢降落到地面,反映出我的目標太低了。 My weight dragged me down.我的體重把我拖了下來。 I didn't get another shot at it but if I had I would have aimed higher and dropped down onto the line.我沒有再被擊中,但是如果有的話,我會瞄準更高的位置並跌落下來。


I'll die in about twenty years, absent an accident, health incident, or a pardon (getting out early for good behavior).我會死於大約二十年,沒有發生事故,健康事故或赦免(早日康復,因為行為良好)。 I'm looking forward to it.我對此很期待。 I've discovered my purpose, I'm living it, and I'm already proud of the legacy I'll leave behind – at least a few people more aware and able to create their future with intention, choices, and behaviors.我發現了自己的目標,正在實現自己的目標,而我已經為自己將留下的遺產感到自豪-至少有一些人更清楚地知道並能夠用意圖,選擇和行為來創造自己的未來。

從那時起,我將成長為The Noon Club,編寫更多書籍,與朋友和客戶交流技巧和喜悅,並繼續學習如何成為一名有效的有遠見的積極分子。







It's a fascinating exercise.這是一個有趣的練習。 I first did this twenty years ago and have visited my death spot a dozen or more times.我二十年前第一次這樣做,已經去過我的死亡點十多次。 I sit quietly, close my eyes, and flow forward to the moment, experience the feeling I anticipate – deep peace and gratitude – and let myself gently float away.我安靜地坐著,閉上眼睛,向前走,直到那一刻,體會到我所期待的感覺–深刻的和平與感激–讓我自己輕輕地飄開。


I don't fear death any more.我不再害怕死亡。 I'm curious and captivated by the mystery.我很好奇,被這個迷住了。 I've accepted the inevitable and turned it into an adventure to anticipate rather than a catastrophe to deny.我已經接受了不可避免的情況,並將其變成了冒險,而不是否認的災難。

I am aiming high, so I can drop down in that moment to grab the thread that will pull me into the next level of my life game.我的目標很高,因此我可以在那一刻下降以抓住將我帶入人生遊戲新境界的線索。 How do I do that?我怎麼做? With an attitude I call “serial grandiosity.”我以一種態度稱呼“連勝”。

Of course we will have over one million members in the Noon Club by May 1, 2025. Absolutely, consciousness will tip mightily at noon Pacific time that day.當然,到XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日,我們將在Noon俱樂部擁有超過一百萬的會員。絕對地,意識將在當天太平洋時間中午急劇消失。 In that magic moment, the world will change drastically.在那神奇的時刻,世界將發生巨大變化。

I have no idea if any of this will happen.我不知道這是否會發生。 How could I?我怎麼能? It's not May 1, 2025 yet.還不是XNUMX年XNUMX月XNUMX日。 But it is a great destination to aim for.但這是一個理想的目的地。 What's the worst that can happen?可能發生的最壞情況是什麼? I could arrive at that moment and … nothing.那一刻我可以到達,……什麼也沒有。 OK.好。 But, you know, I can't really imagine myself muttering: “Damn, I wasted forty years being happy and sharing love with some of the most amazing people on the planet when I could have been pessimistic and angry.”但是,您知道,我無法想像自己喃喃自語:“該死,當我本來悲觀和憤怒時,我浪費了XNUMX年的幸福,並與地球上一些最了不起的人分享了愛。”

We can redeem the worst of our lives during the last act and go out remembering, “Wow, I had a GREAT life!”在上一幕中,我們可以挽回生命中最糟糕的時刻,然後回想起“哇,我過著很棒的生活!” So, give it some thought.因此,請考慮一下。 What's your end game?你的最終結局是什麼?

版權所有2020。 Natural Wisdom LLC。


威爾·威爾金森 (Will T. Wilkinson)

中午俱樂部:每天在一分鐘內創造未來中午俱樂部是一個免費的成員聯盟,每天中午都會集中有意識的力量在人的意識中產生影響。 成員將智能手機設置為中午,然後默默休息或發表簡短聲明,將愛傳遞到大眾意識的量子世界中。 冥想者降低了89華盛頓特區的犯罪率。 我們能做什麼 中午俱樂部? 參與很簡單。 只需設置您的智能手機,然後每天中午在中午暫停傳輸即可。 有關該程序的更新和更多信息,以及與其他成員的聯繫,請訪問 www.noonclub.org .




威爾·威爾金森Will T. Wilkinson 是俄勒岡州阿什蘭 Luminary Communications 的高級顧問。 他撰寫或合著了七本書,對領先的變革推動者進行了數百次採訪,並且正在發展一個有遠見的活動家的國際網絡。 他也是 中午俱樂部,這是一個免費成員聯盟,每天中午都會集中有意識的力量,以對人類意識產生影響。 了解更多 willtwilkinson.com/

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