A Real Solution for the Political Crisis in America: Integrative Quantum Worldview圖片由 stokpic 

When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, every politically aware progressive American came to understand that there was a crisis in American politics like never before.當唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在XNUMX年當選美國總統時,每個具有政治意識的進步型美國人都開始理解,美國政治中從未有過危機。 But if you are a student of history or if you cared deeply for progressivity in your country, you could have predicted this crisis three decades ago, at the time of the Reagan presidency.但是,如果您是歷史學的學生,或者您深切地關心自己國家的進步,那麼三十年前裡根擔任總統期間,您可能已經預見到了這場危機。

It takes years and years for money from the rich to “trickle down” to the jobless.富人的錢要花很多年才能“滴下”到失業者身上。 On the other hand, even from what little I knew about economics at the time, the recession was part of a periodical business cycle—popularly called “boom and bust.”另一方面,即使我當時對經濟學了解甚少,經濟衰退也是周期性商業周期的一部分,通常被稱為“繁榮與蕭條”。 Even if nothing much were done, the economy would reset itself.即使什麼都沒做,經濟也會重振旗鼓。


The economy did recover in Reagan's time and without much trickle down going into effect.在裡根時代,經濟確實恢復了,並且沒有trick滴地生效。 Indeed, Reagan's successor George HW Bush, also a Republican, had to raise taxes to protect the economy.的確,裡根的繼任者喬治·HW·布什,也是共和黨人,不得不提高稅收以保護經濟。 But ever since Reagan, Republicans discovered something critical that changed the face of politics in the US ever since.但是自從裡根以來,共和黨人發現了一些至關重要的東西,從那以後改變了美國的政治面貌。

What they found out was this: Lying works when garbed as serious policy or ideology.他們發現的是:撒謊被當作嚴肅的政策或意識形態時起作用。 If you are a partisan, you give your party the benefit of the doubt whenever there is confusion.如果您是黨派人士,只要有困惑,就可以讓您的政黨從懷疑中受益。 Of course, communist countries like Soviet Russia (before communism went kaput) and China had been doing this ever since when, but in the US, this was a new tactic.當然,像蘇俄這樣的共產主義國家(在共產主義淪為空前)和中國從那時起就一直這樣做,但是在美國,這是一種新策略。

Before Reagan, Republicans had to go along with Democrats as far as Keynesian economics was concerned because nobody had any better idea.在裡根之前,就凱恩斯主義經濟學而言,共和黨人必須與民主黨人保持一致,因為沒有人有更好的主意。 But after Reagan's success in selling voodoo economics (George Bush's name for Trickle-down economics), Republicans began selling other voodoo ideas to their faithful under ideological garb with equal success.但是,在裡根成功銷售伏都教經濟學(喬治·布什的Tri流經濟學)後,共和黨人開始以意識形態的裝束將其他伏都教徒賣給他們的信徒,並且取得了同樣的成功。

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One such idea was neo-conservatism that said, a military intervention in the Middle East is worth it because it will spread American democracy in countries saddled by old-fashioned feudalism and/or dictatorships.一個這樣的想法是新保守主義,它說,對中東進行軍事干預是值得的,因為它將使美國民主在老式的封建制度和(或)獨裁統治下的國家中傳播。 The idea seemed ideologically sound enough to distract the American public from the real reason for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, which might have been as mundane as greed for middle Eastern oil.這個想法在意識形態上聽起來似乎足夠使美國公眾從XNUMX年入侵伊拉克的真正原因上分散注意力,伊拉克入侵伊拉克的本來面目與對中東石油的貪婪一樣平凡。

In the same spirit, Republican ideologues have tried to sell government supported health insurance programs with free market competition making it a bonanza for insurance and pharmaceutical companies.出於同樣的精神,共和黨的思想家試圖通過自由市場競爭來出售政府支持的健康保險計劃,從而使其成為保險和製藥公司的財富。 When you are faced with life and death health issues, obviously free market psychology does not apply.當您面臨生死健康問題時,顯然不適用自由市場心理。 But tell that to the Republicans.但是告訴共和黨人。

喜劇演員喬恩·斯圖爾特(Jon Stewart)曾經說過:“ 是騙局,與之相反 進步 is 國會”; he was talking about a Republican congress.他在談論共和黨代表大會。 Meanwhile, Democrats, under the leadership of President Obama, went ahead and pushed through a government-supported health insurance with a so-called individual mandate.同時,民主黨人在奧巴馬總統的領導下繼續前進,並推動了政府支持的所謂個人授權醫療保險。 Young people were forced to either subscribe to a health insurance they didn't yet need or pay an extra income tax, which would surely be a hardship on some of them.年輕人被迫要么購買不需要的健康保險,要么繳納額外的所得稅,這對於某些人來說肯定是一件困難的事。 This was clearly curbing the freedom of choice of these young people.顯然,這限制了這些年輕人的選擇自由。


If the true spirit of democracy were followed, then one would first educate young people, make sure of their support, and then enact the mandate to help health insurance for the noninsured.如果遵循真正的民主精神,那麼人們將首先對年輕人進行教育,確保他們的支持,然後製定任務授權為無保險的人提供健康保險。 This was not done.尚未完成。 So, in the next congressional election in 2010, their staunchest opponents formed the TEA Party, which skillfully used the Obama health insurance program (Obamacare) as a foil to arouse a coalition around non-college-educated white males, many of whom were racist, sexist, and homophobic, to take control of the Congress.因此,在XNUMX年的下次國會選舉中,他們最堅決的反對者組成了TEA黨,該黨巧妙地利用了奧巴馬的健康保險計劃(Obamacare)作為箔紙,以激起非受過大學教育的白人男性聯盟,其中許多是種族主義者,性別歧視和同性戀恐懼症,以控制國會。

Mainstream Republicans, many of them still old-fashioned conservatives, went along with the TEA party rebels thinking that they had no choice under the American tradition that anyone can run in any party's primary.主流共和黨人(其中許多人仍然是老式的保守派)與TEA政黨叛亂分子一起,認為在美國傳統下,他們別無選擇,任何人都可以參加任何政黨的初選。 Actually, there was a choice of changing the party rule.實際上,可以選擇更改黨的規則。 But, of course, if the TEA Partiers were forced to run as a third party, their wins would come at the expense of the mainstream Republican Party.但是,當然,如果TEA合作夥伴被迫以第三方的身份參加競選,他們的勝利將以犧牲主流共和黨為代價。 Justifiably, no Republican wanted that.有道理,沒有共和黨人想要那樣。 They remembered the lesson of Ross Perot's presidential candidacy too well.他們對羅斯·佩羅(Ross Perot)總統競選的教訓記憶猶新。



Then came Trump.然後是特朗普。 Trump, a billionaire and a reality TV personality, came to political prominence by stoking racist tendencies in TEA party Republicans via the Birther movement, challenging that Obama was born in the United States.特朗普,億萬富翁和電視真人秀,通過伯瑟運動在TEA政黨共和黨中煽動種族主義傾向,從而在政治上引起了人們的關注,挑戰奧巴馬出生於美國。 Surprisingly, instead of producing his birth certificate immediately, Obama hesitated, and the movement grew.出人意料的是,奧巴馬沒有立即出示出生證明,而是猶豫了,運動開始了。 Of course, eventually, Obama produced his birth certificate and Trump sort of withdrew his claim.當然,最終,奧巴馬出示了出生證明,而特朗普則撤回了他的要求。 So, Obama joked about it at the 2011 White House Congressional dinner:因此,奧巴馬在XNUMX年白宮國會晚宴上開玩笑說:


But as you know the joke was on Obama.但是,正如您所知,這個笑話是在奧巴馬身上。 Five years later, in 2016, Trump was elected president, thereby completing the neoconservative agenda of win-at-all-costs, lying, Russian intervention, and what not.五年後,即XNUMX年,特朗普當選總統,從而完成了不惜一切代價,撒謊,俄羅斯干預等新保守主義議程。

The United States presidency can be a very powerful force when backed up by both houses of Congress and also by a conservative Supreme Court.如果獲得美國國會兩院以及保守的最高法院的支持,美國擔任總統職位將是一支非常強大的力量。 By the tail end of 2018, Trump, in just two years, had successfully dismantled most of Obama's legacy including the individual mandate of his signature Affordable Care Act.到XNUMX年年底,特朗普在短短兩年內成功拆除了奧巴馬的大部分遺產,包括他簽署的《負擔得起的醫療法案》的個人授權。 Trump's success is largely due to the fact that he can lie very effectively and label the opponents' outcries as “fake news” also very effectively.特朗普的成功很大程度上是因為他可以非常有效地撒謊,並且也可以非常有效地將對手的強烈抗議稱為“假新聞”。 Even the liberal media continue to present the甚至自由媒體也繼續呈現 特朗普秀 而不是認真的政策討論。


Trump's presidency has brought about unprecedented perpetual crises in Washington.特朗普的總統職位在華盛頓帶來了前所未有的永久性危機。 Initially, it was North Korea's nuclear accomplishments and Trump's reaction to them.最初,這是北朝鮮的核成就以及特朗普對它們的反應。 Then later, the crisis question hovering over the capital was this one: Will Bob Mueller, the independent investigator of Russian interference in the 2018 election and its connection to the Trump campaign, be fired by Trump or be allowed to do his job and release his findings?然後,後來籠罩在首都的危機問題就是這個:俄羅斯干預XNUMX年大選及其與特朗普競選活動的關係的獨立調查員鮑勃·穆勒(Bob Mueller)將被特朗普解僱或被允許幹他的工作並釋放他的發現?

And, of course, other crises have followed;當然,其他危機也隨之而來。 there is a crisis at the Southern border—inhumane treatment of children whose parents seek immigration.南部邊界發生了危機-對父母尋求移民的兒童的不人道待遇。 That latest crisis is revitalizing racism and white supremacy in blatant terms, and almost the entire Republican Party seems to gleefully go along with it.最近的這場危機正以公然的方式振興種族主義和白人至上主義,幾乎整個共和黨似乎都高興地與之並駕齊驅。

我們正朝著真正的問題進行熱烈迴響,具體問題如下:自從共和黨將所謂的 道德多數 into its base, there has been a conflict of values within the party.在黨內,黨內存在價值衝突。 Religion comes with values.宗教帶有價值。 These religious values often sharply contradict the profit-oriented, often greed-based values of the traditional Republican base—the aristocrats and the plutocrats.這些宗教價值觀經常與傳統的共和黨基礎(貴族和富豪)的以利益為導向,通常以貪婪為基礎的價值觀相矛盾。

Republicans seemed to have been looking for a surreptitious way of giving up on values altogether.共和黨人似乎一直在尋找一種完全放棄價值觀的秘密方法。 In Trump and his dictatorial practices, the Republicans have found the solution to the value-conflict—rule by a populist dictator who can go against values with impunity by stoking his support base's prejudices and fears.在特朗普及其獨裁統治中,共和黨人找到了價值衝突的解決方案-民粹主義獨裁者的統治可以通過挑起他的支持基礎的偏見和恐懼而違背價值觀而不受懲罰。

In this way, the ongoing crisis conditions Trump creates is exposing something deep.這樣,特朗普製造的持續危機條件就暴露出了深刻的東西。 Clearly, there is something rotten about the United States right now—value-erosion.顯然,美國現在有些爛透了—價值侵蝕。 We better look into this fast.我們最好快速調查一下。

In 2008-2009, it was the economic crisis caused by the same problem -- unbridled greed -- which is not an American value.在2020年至XNUMX年期間,正是由同樣的問題引起的經濟危機-肆無忌的貪婪-這不是美國的價值觀。 The Bush and Obama administrations did not do anything to get to the root of the problem.布什政府和奧巴馬政府沒有採取任何措施來解決問題的根源。 They lost one window of opportunity.他們失去了一個機會之窗。 Now we have a second window of opportunity with the XNUMX election.現在,我們有了XNUMX年大選的第二個機會之窗。

The Chinese ideogram for the word crisis stands for both opportunity and danger.危機一詞的中國表意文字既代表機遇,也代表危險。 Right now, Democratic politicians are only seeing danger in the crisis conditions that Trump creates.目前,民主黨政客僅在特朗普製造的危機條件下看到危險。 Trump's incendiary rhetoric against his Democratic opponents and the liberal news media very well might have influenced the Republican terrorist, also a Trump supporter, who mailed pipe bombs to some of Trumps' “enemies” as well as the mass killing of Jews (a first in the United States) in Pittsburgh soon after.特朗普對他的民主黨對手和自由新聞媒體的煽動性言論很可能影響了共和黨恐怖分子,這也是特朗普的支持者,他向特朗普的某些“敵人”郵寄了炸彈,並大規模殺害了猶太人( (美國)之後不久。

As in the case of the August 2019 white supremacist act of domestic terrorism in El Paso, the temple shootings could be directly traced to Trump's rhetoric.就像XNUMX年XNUMX月在埃爾帕索發生的白人至上主義家庭恐怖主義行為一樣,聖殿槍擊事件可能直接歸因於特朗普的言辭。 But “hating” Trump as a response to his fear-mongering, fighting one negative emotion with another, is a short-term approach.但是,“憎恨”特朗普是對他的挑釁行為的回應,與一種負面情緒作鬥爭是一種短期方法。 Also, it keeps the focus on Trump.此外,它仍將重點放在特朗普身上。 Trump is much better at using negative emotions than any of his Democratic competition.特朗普比任何民主黨候選人都更善於使用負面情緒。


For changing the show in the theater and also for a long-term outlook, we better look at the roots of the ongoing crisis of values of the great social institutions of the United States.為了改變劇院的演出以及長期發展,我們最好看一下美國各大社會機構持續的價值危機的根源。 Unnoticed by almost everyone, there is an ongoing crisis also in liberal education in schools.幾乎每個人都沒有註意到,學校的通識教育也存在持續的危機。 Oh, we notice the short-term problems: crowded classrooms, lack of motivated and talented teachers, teachers' unions maintaining the status quo of mediocrity, and all that.哦,我們注意到了短期的問題:教室擁擠,缺乏幹勁和才華的教師,維持平庸現狀的教師工會等等。 But do you know that liberal education in America is not liberal anymore?但是您知道美國的自由教育不再是自由的嗎? It does not liberate students from dogma.它不會使學生擺脫教條。 It shifts them from the religious / Christian dogma to another, the dogma of scientific materialism.它將他們從宗教/基督教教條轉移到另一種科學唯物主義的教條。 And by doing so, it contributes to value erosion in a major way.通過這樣做,它在很大程度上削弱了價值。

In contrast, the Republican leaders siding with their religious base are anti-science and anti higher education.相反,堅持宗教信仰的共和黨領導人是反科學和反高等教育。 They push school vouchers that shift students from public schools to private more religiously-oriented schools.他們推出了教育券,將學生從公立學校轉移到更多以宗教為導向的私立學校。 All this from purely political motive, mind you, to pay lip service to the party's religious base.請注意,所有這些都是出於純粹的政治動機,為黨的宗教基礎提供口頭服務。

In this way, there is a new lower education/higher education diploma-divide in society.這樣,社會上就有了一個新的低等/高等教育文憑文憑。 People of higher education get better jobs;受過高等教育的人獲得更好的工作; under Democrats who support big government, they manage the big government bureaucracy.在支持大政府的民主黨人的領導下,他們管理大政府的官僚機構。 This has exacerbated another enemy of democracy—elitism.這加劇了民主的另一個敵人-精英主義。

Traditionally, the Republicans were the elitist party consisting of aristocrats and business plutocrats.傳統上,共和黨是由貴族和商業富豪組成的精英黨。 But now Democrats have also become an elitist party consisting of meritocrats, the higher educated scientific materialists.但是現在,民主黨人也已經成為由精英,高學歷的科學唯物主義者組成的精英黨。

What is worse, the Democrats also are rapidly becoming hypocrites as far as values are concerned.更糟糕的是,就價值觀而言,民主黨人也迅速成為偽君子。 Scientific materialism, belief in a science of matter governing humans, does not support values beyond basic survival.科學唯物主義信仰人類的科學,並不支持超越基本生存的價值觀。 Democratic leaders talk about humanistic values;民主領袖談論人文價值觀。 they know fully well that their science does not support these values.他們非常清楚自己的科學不支持這些價值觀。 In this way, Democrats, too, more and more pay only lip service to values.這樣,民主黨人也越來越多地為價值觀付出了口頭服務。

Political polarization has gone so far that the whole business of the separation of powers in the US Constitution has fallen into jeopardy.政治兩極分化已經到了極致,以至於美國憲法中三權分立的整個事務都陷入了危險之中。 The legislature has no operating room unless the same party gets control of both houses of Congress, which has seldom occurred in recent years.立法機關沒有手術室,除非同一方獲得國會兩院的控制權,這在最近幾年很少發生。 In this way, the executive branch rules via temporary executive orders.這樣,行政部門通過臨時行政命令進行統治。


Meanwhile, the leadership of both parties neither seems to know nor care that a paradigm shift has been under way since 1925-26 with the discovery of quantum physics that has thrown the paradigm based on scientific materialism out the window by integrating science and spirituality, thereby making room for an integration of the materialist and religious worldviews.同時,雙方的領導人似乎都不知道也不關心自XNUMX-XNUMX年以來範式轉變一直在進行,因為量子物理學的發現通過整合科學和靈性將基於科學唯物主義的範式拋到了窗外,從而為整合唯物主義和宗教世界觀創造空間。 Why?為什麼? Because the mainstream scientists kept mum about the paradigm shift or denied it outright with sophistry not because of scientific evidence but because of their dogmatic beliefs.因為主流科學家一直對范式轉換保持沉默或以詭辯的方式完全否認它,這不是因為科學證據,而是因為他們的教條主義信念。 This is the big secret of today's science.這是當今科學的重大秘密。

And of course, current religious practices including Christianity do not necessarily subscribe to the spiritual values that quantum science is rediscovering.當然,包括基督教在內的當前宗教習俗不一定符合量子科學正在重新發現的精神價值。 With regard to spiritual values, religious leaders in the main are talkers rather than walkers.關於精神價值,主要的宗教領袖是說話者而不是步行者。 It has always been this way.一直都是這種方式。 This is the big secret of the religions.這是宗教的大秘密。


In summary, the biggest threats against democracy are elitism, the erosion of values, and political polarization based not upon principles but power struggle.總而言之,對民主的最大威脅是精英主義,價值觀念的侵蝕以及政治上的兩極分化,而這並非基於原則,而是基於權力鬥爭。 Under a worldview polarization between religion and materialist science, the political parties affiliate with one or the other perspective.在宗教與唯物主義科學之間的世界觀兩極分化下,各政黨隸屬於一種或另一種觀點。 Neither party walks the talk as far as values are concerned.就價值觀而言,任何一方都沒有談得過。

All political parties—liberal or conservative--are elitist.所有政黨-自由派或保守派-都是精英主義者。 In this way, politics has become elitist and value-less with political parties struggling tooth-and-nail for power all over the world.這樣,政治已成為精英主義和無價值的,各政黨在全世界範圍內為權力而鬥爭。 These conditions are not sustainable;這些條件是不可持續的; this struggle will inevitably create a situation like the French Revolution in the eighteenth century.這場鬥爭將不可避免地造成類似XNUMX世紀法國大革命的局勢。 那才是真正的危機.

There is an additional tragic side to all this in the US;在美國,所有這一切還有另外一個悲劇性的方面。 people here are legally allowed to have guns, including semiautomatic assault weapons.法律允許這裡的人擁有槍支,包括半自動攻擊武器。 At a May 2019 political rally in Panama City Beach in Florida, Trump trying to incite hate towards Latinos amongst the crowd, which included white supremacists, bellowed, “How do you stop these people?”在XNUMX年XNUMX月在佛羅里達州巴拿馬城海灘舉行的政治集會上,特朗普試圖在人群中激起對拉美裔的仇恨,其中包括白人至上主義者,大吼道:``你如何阻止這些人? Somebody shouted back, “Shoot them.”有人喊道,“把他們射死。” The mostly white crowd cheered, Trump laughed, and a young white supremacist a few months later did carry out that message in El Paso.多數白人人群歡呼雀躍,特朗普大笑,幾個月後,一位年輕的白人至上主義者在埃爾帕索(El Paso)傳達了這一信息。

Is there a cause-effect connection between Trump and the killer?特朗普與兇手之間是否存在因果關係? One can hide behind, “guns don't kill, ideas don't kill, people kill.”一個人可以躲在後面,“槍不殺人,思想不殺人,人殺人”。 But ideas do kill;但是,想法確實會殺死人。 over sixty million people got killed because of ideas similar to white supremacy in World War II.由於類似於第二次世界大戰中白人至上的思想,超過六千萬人被殺。

Domestic terrorism and the terrorism at large prevalent today are both a terrorism of ideas;家庭恐怖主義和當今普遍存在的恐怖主義都是思想恐怖主義。 don't doubt it.不用懷疑。 There is something rotten about the two worldviews that people live by today and the way politicians manipulate people's worldview prejudices.人們今天生活的兩種世界觀以及政治人物操縱人們的世界觀偏見的方式都有些爛。


幸運的是有一個 solution.解。 Worldview integration is underway based on quantum physics and its generalization—quantum science.基於量子物理學及其廣義化-量子科學的世界觀整合正在進行中。 In this worldview, values are scientific, evidence-based.在這種世界觀中,價值觀是科學的,基於證據的。 Elitism vanishes at the personal level, when our political leaders walk these values, following the new science of leadership.當我們的政治領導人遵循新的領導科學方法,遵循這些價值觀時,精英主義在個人層面上消失了。


©2020,作者阿米特·高斯瓦米(Amit Goswami)。 All Rights Reserved.版權所有。
Luminare出版社: LuminarePress.com


Amit Goswami博士

Quantum Politics: Saving Democracy by Amit Goswami, PhD我們的民主是建立在使全體公民平等享有生活,自由和幸福的人類潛力的理想之上的。 今天,在特朗普的美國,我們離理想還很遙遠。 這本書既考慮了政治的短期問題,即價值觀的侵蝕,精英主義和世界觀的兩極化,當然也考慮了特朗普主義,以及長期的問題,即如何使政治成為使社會公平的一門真正的科學。 量子政治 uses the new science and demonstrates that democracy is the only scientific way of governing a nation.使用新科學並證明民主是治國的唯一科學方法。 The key is to bring human values and creativity into the picture and combine the exploration of power with the exploration of love.關鍵是將人的價值觀和創造力帶入畫面,並將對力量的探索與對愛情的探索結合起來。 In this way, we can integrate the values in our society with every human being.這樣,我們可以將我們社會中的價值觀與每個人融為一體。

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Amit Goswami, Ph.D.阿米特·高斯瓦米(Amit Goswami)是一位退休的物理學教授。 在不斷發展的叛逆科學家中,他是一位革命者,近年來,他們冒險進入精神領域,以試圖解釋好奇實驗中似乎莫名其妙的發現,並驗證關於人類精神層面存在的直覺。生活。 高斯瓦米(Goswami)博士是一位多產的作家,老師和有遠見的醫生,他曾出現在電影中 我們知道什麼Bleep !!達賴喇嘛文藝復興以及屢獲殊榮的紀錄片 量子活動家。 He is the author of numerous books, most notably: The Self-Aware Universe, Physics of the Soul, The Quantum Doctor, God is Not Dead, Quantum Creativity, Quantum Spirituality, and The Everything Answer Book.他是許多著作的作者,最著名的是:《自我意識的宇宙》,《靈魂的物理學》,《量子醫生》,《上帝沒有死》,《量子創造力》,《量子靈性》和《萬物問答》。 He was featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!?, and the documentaries Dalai Lama Renaissance and The Quantum Activist.他在電影《我們知道什麼是盲人! Amit is a spiritual practitioner and calls himself a quantum activist in search of Wholeness.阿米特(Amit)是一位精神修煉者,自稱為量子活動家以追求整體性。 For more information, visit有關更多信息,請訪問 www.amitgoswami.org 

Amit Goswami的視頻/演示:意識中的科學與人類進化的未來
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