米卡莉亞·金(Michalea King), CC BY-ND

格陵蘭島是地球上最大的島嶼,約有80%被格陵蘭島覆蓋 巨大的冰。 Slowly flowing glaciers connect this massive frozen reservoir of fresh water to the ocean, but because of climate change, these glaciers are rapidly retreating.緩慢流動的冰川將這個龐大的冰凍淡水庫連接到海洋,但是由於氣候變化,這些冰川正在迅速退縮。

我是地球科學家 who studies how changes to Greenland's glaciers affect the stability of the ice sheet as a whole.他研究了格陵蘭冰川的變化如何影響整個冰蓋的穩定性。 Healthy glaciers are stable in size and shape and act as drains for the ice sheet, transporting ice into the sea.健康的冰川尺寸和形狀穩定,可作為冰蓋的排水管,將冰運入海中。 They maintain a balance where the ice added each year roughly equals the ice lost to the sea.他們保持著平衡,每年增加的冰量等於流向大海的冰量。


For years, scientists have watched as glaciers around the world retreat.多年以來,科學家一直看著世界各地的冰川消退。 But our research has found that the glaciers along the edge of Greenland have retreated so much that they no longer但是我們的研究發現,格陵蘭島邊緣的冰川已經退縮得如此之多,以至於不再 使餵養牠們的冰蓋保持平衡.


As the glaciers retreat up valleys, they flow faster and bring more ice from inland to the sea.隨著冰川退縮到山谷中,它們的流動速度更快,並將更多的冰從內陸帶到海洋。 Imagine a traffic jam: When a highway is jampacked with cars – or ice – it flows slowly.想像一下交通擁堵:當高速公路上擠滿了汽車或冰塊時,它會緩慢流動。 But as the jam or glacier gets smaller, the number of cars, or the amount of ice, that can flow by in a given time increases.但是,隨著果醬或冰川的變小,在給定時間內可以流過的汽車數量或冰量會增加。

Greenland's ice sheet is now out of balance.格陵蘭的冰蓋現在失衡了。 The new normal is an新常態是 年總冰量損失.

The place where glaciers meet the sea – called the calving front – is important for the stability of the entire ice sheet.冰川與海匯合的地方-產犢前線-對於整個冰蓋的穩定性至關重要。 Jakobshavn Glacier has been retreating for decades.雅各布港冰川已經退縮了數十年。The place where glaciers meet the sea – called the calving front – is important for the stability of the entire ice sheet.冰川與海匯合的地方-產犢前線-對於整個冰蓋的穩定性至關重要。 Jakobshavn Glacier has been retreating for decades.雅各布港冰川已經退縮了數十年。 米卡莉亞·金(Michalea King), CC BY-ND


Ice sheets are formed when snowfall accumulates over thousands of years and compresses into layers upon layers of ice.當降雪累積了數千年並形成層層冰蓋時,就會形成冰蓋。 But ice is not a perfectly rigid material – it behaves kind of like an但是,冰不是一種完全剛性的材料,它的行為有點像 特濃又脆的蜂蜜.

Once an ice sheet becomes tall enough, the ice begins to flow outward because of its own weight.一旦冰蓋變得足夠高,冰由於其自身的重量而開始向外流動。 This ice is funneled down valleys toward the ocean, forming fast–flowing outlet glaciers.這些冰沿著山谷向下流向海洋,形成快速流動的出口冰川。 These glaciers can move as much as這些冰川可以移動多達 10英里 每年。

Although glaciers comprise only a narrow region at the edge of the ice sheet, they play a huge role in controlling how rapidly ice is drained from the sheet into the ocean.儘管冰川在冰蓋邊緣僅包含一個狹窄的區域,但它們在控製冰從冰蓋排放到海洋的速度方面起著巨大的作用。 Generally, a glacier that extends a long distance through a valley通常,冰川延伸穿過山谷很長一段距離 會移動得更慢 並從冰蓋中排出的冰要少於較短的冰。

Most of Greenland's glaciers end at the sea, where ocean water melts and weakens the ice until it breaks off in pieces that dramatically fall into the North Atlantic.格陵蘭島的大多數冰川終止於大海,海水融化並削弱了冰層,直到其破裂成碎片,然後急劇下降到北大西洋。 If ice is lost at the front of the glacier faster than it is replenished by upstream ice, the glacier will recede inland.如果冰川上游的冰塊流失的速度比上游冰塊補充冰塊的速度快,那麼冰川將向內陸退縮。 This is called glacial retreat.這就是所謂的冰川退縮。

撤退不僅縮短了冰川的長度,而且減少了 冰與周圍山谷之間的摩擦。 With less surface area of ice touching the ground, the ice can flow faster.由於較少的冰表面積接觸地面,因此冰可以更快地流動。 Much like a shrinking traffic jam, sustained glacier retreat results in faster-flowing glaciers that就像不斷減少的交通擁堵一樣,持續的冰川退縮導致冰川流動速度加快, 更快地將冰蓋瀝乾.

The blue line shows the current boundary between the Jakobshavn Glacier (right side, light gray) and the floating ice (center, white) between the valley walls (top and bottom, dark gray).藍線顯示了Jakobshavn冰川(右側,淺灰色)與山谷壁之間的浮冰(頂部,底部,深灰色)之間的當前邊界。 The other colored lines show where this boundary was in previous years.其他彩色線顯示了該邊界在前幾年的位置。The blue line shows the current boundary between the Jakobshavn Glacier (right side, light gray) and the floating ice (center, white) between the valley walls (top and bottom, dark gray).藍線顯示了Jakobshavn冰川(右側,淺灰色)與山谷壁之間的浮冰(頂部,底部,深灰色)之間的當前邊界。 The other colored lines show where this boundary was in previous years.其他彩色線顯示了該邊界在前幾年的位置。 米卡莉亞·金(Michalea King), CC BY-ND


Ocean and air temperatures have strong effects on glaciers.海洋和氣溫對冰川有強烈影響。 Both都 海洋氣溫 正在上升。

For Greenland's glaciers, the warming ocean is the biggest cause of glacial retreat.對於格陵蘭島的冰川而言,變暖的海洋是造成冰川退縮的最大原因。 On average the glaciers have retreated about平均而言,冰川退縮了 自3年代中期以來1980公里,大部分撤退發生在2000年至2005年之間。

My colleagues and I used thousands of satellite images to measure changes in length, thickness and flow speed of Greenland's glaciers.我和我的同事們使用了數千個衛星圖像來測量格陵蘭冰川的長度,厚度和流速的變化。 With this information, we found two important things: Glacial retreat is accelerating, and the ice sheet is losing an astonishing – and also increasing – amount of ice each year.有了這些信息,我們發現了兩件重要的事情:冰川退縮正在加速,冰蓋每年都在失去驚人的冰量,而且還在增加。

我們的小組發現,今天,冰川流失了 每年從冰蓋上多出14%的冰 –大約500億噸–比1985年至1999年的平均水平要多。這種更快的流動導致覆蓋格陵蘭大部分地區的冰原收縮,但也改變了整個系統的動力。

The ice sheet is now in a new, unbalanced state of persistent mass loss.現在,冰蓋處於持續失重的新的不平衡狀態。 Before the year 2000, ice loss roughly equaled the ice added from snowfall, so the ice sheet was stable.在XNUMX年之前,冰的損失大致等於降雪增加的冰量,因此冰蓋是穩定的。 Now, ice mass losses consistently exceed mass gains – even in the coolest years of relatively high snow accumulation.現在,即使在相對高積雪的最涼爽的年份,冰塊的損失也始終超過質量的增加。 The glaciers used to act as an important traffic jam, keeping ice loss in check.過去,冰川起著重要的交通堵塞的作用,從而控制了冰塊的流失。 Now, however, traffic flows more freely and the ice is able to more easily flow away from the ice sheet.然而,現在,交通更自由地流動,並且冰能夠更容易地從冰蓋流走。

不幸的是,氣溫升高 表面融化增加,導致格陵蘭島目前積雪減少。 Given all these factors, my colleagues and I now estimate that the ice sheet may see a mass gain year考慮到所有這些因素,我和我的同事現在估計冰蓋可能會出現質量增長的一年。 一個世紀只有一次.


Our study showed how widespread retreat drove both an increase in glacier discharge and a shift to persistent ice sheet mass loss.我們的研究表明,大範圍的撤退既推動了冰川排放的增加,又使冰蓋持續失去質量。 But this doesn't mean the ice sheet is doomed.但這並不意味著冰蓋注定要失敗。 Continued retreat and further increases in discharge are limited by topography.地形繼續限制了撤退和排放量的進一步增加。

在接下來的幾個世紀中,冰川可能會撤退到更高的地面上,並最終形成一個完整的 內陸冰蓋,流量最小 –格陵蘭島上的冰塊基本上很大,沒有冰川可以將其排出。 Under this future scenario, the balance of the ice sheet would be determined only by surface changes – snow accumulation and surface melt.在這種未來情況下,冰蓋的平衡將僅由表面變化(積雪和表面融化)決定。 This loss of ice would equal冰的損失等於 海平面上升米.

At this point, the fate of the ice sheet simply depends on whether it is melting faster than it grows from snowfall.此時,冰蓋的命運僅取決於冰蓋融化的速度是否快於降雪的速度。 In a warm world where climate change is not addressed, the ice sheet will slowly melt and ultimately disappear.在一個無法解決氣候變化的溫暖世界中,冰蓋將緩慢融化並最終消失。 But if climate change is controlled and cooler temperatures are maintained for a prolonged period, it is possible that the Greenland ice sheet could regrow.但是,如果控制氣候變化並長時間保持較低的溫度,格陵蘭島的冰蓋可能會重新生長。 That day may be hundreds of years into the future, but it is actions made today that will decide the fate of Greenland's ice sheet.那天可能是未來數百年,但今天採取的行動將決定格陵蘭冰原的命運。談話


博士後氣候科學研究員Michalea King 美國俄亥俄州立大學

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by P約翰克利夫蘭,約翰克利夫蘭
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