圖片來源: Pixabay
Right now, in our country, and perhaps in other countries as well, people are having a challenging time in their lives.現在,在我們的國家,也許在其他國家,人們的生活也充滿挑戰。 The pandemic is still claiming the lives of many people every single day.大流行仍然每天奪走許多人的生命。
For us, living on the west coast of the United States, the fires caused a huge amount of destruction, claiming lives, taking homes, and entire forests.對我們而言,大火生活在美國西海岸,造成了巨大的破壞,奪去了生命,奪走了房屋和整個森林。 And for us in this country, the protests against all that is unfair and unjust go on day after day, each day bringing more protests and news of another unjust killing of a black person.對於我們這個國家的人們來說,針對一切不公正和不公正行為的抗議活動日復一日地進行,每天都有更多的抗議活動和新聞報導,稱有另一個黑人遭到不公正殺害。
And if this were not enough, for many people that I know personally and have heard about, there are personal struggles going on that are even bigger.如果這還不夠的話,對於我個人認識並聽說過的許多人來說,正在進行的個人鬥爭甚至更大。 So far, 2020 has proved for most people to be a very challenging year.到目前為止,對於大多數人來說,XNUMX年是充滿挑戰的一年。
一個人很容易在所有這些持續的挑戰中迷失方向。 但是我們如何感覺到被發現? 我們的兒子約翰·努里(John-Nuri)一直在唱本·普拉特(Ben Platt)給我唱的這首優美的歌。 這些詞令人鼓舞,其中一些複製在這裡:
This pandemic is causing a lot of isolation for people, especially if they are following the guidelines and staying home.這種大流行給人們帶來了很大的孤立感,特別是如果他們遵循指南並待在家裡。 But in the words of this song we need to reach out our hand, and ask for support and help.但是用這首歌的話來說,我們需要伸出援手,尋求支持和幫助。
We need to trust that when we ask for help, for love or for connection, someone will come running with that love.我們需要相信,當我們尋求幫助,尋求愛或尋求聯繫時,會有人帶著這種愛奔跑。 Mr. Rogers always told the children in his audience that when they need help, they should look for the helpers, and they will always be there.羅傑斯先生總是告訴聽眾中的孩子們,當他們需要幫助時,他們應該尋找幫助者,他們將永遠在那裡。
And we can concentrate on the Divine Helpers that can be felt but not seen.我們可以專注於可以感受到但看不見的神聖助手。 We can count on our Holy Mother and Heavenly Father to help us come back into our sense of being loved.我們可以依靠我們的聖母和天父來幫助我們恢復被愛的感覺。
One of my favorite things to do during this period of challenge is to sit quietly all alone in a rocking chair or comfortable chair and wrap a soft blanket around myself.在此挑戰期間,我最喜歡做的一件事情是獨自一個人安靜地坐在搖椅或舒適的椅子上,並用柔軟的毯子圍住自己。 And as I rock slowly back and forth, I imagine the arms of the Holy Mother around me, holding me just like a baby or small child.當我緩慢地來回搖動時,我想像著神聖母親的雙臂環繞著我,就像嬰兒或小孩一樣抱著我。 And as I am rocking, I imagine Her saying to me,當我搖擺時,我想像她對我說 “走進我的懷抱,我會給你安息。我愛你。我正在照顧你。我在正確的人生道路上指導你。一切都很好。”
I say those words to myself over and over until I can really feel and believe them and I know that I am deeply loved.我會一遍又一遍地對自己說這些話,直到我能真正感受到並相信它們為止,而且我知道我被深深地愛著。 Sometimes it helps to put my hand over my heart while I rock back and forth and say very softly, "Peace, Peace, Peace."有時候,當我來回搖動並輕聲說“和平,和平,和平”時,將手放在心上會有所幫助。
In addition to asking for help and feeling the divine comfort, it is important to be that loving light for others.除了尋求幫助和感覺神的安慰外,重要的是要成為別人的愛之光。 Use your intuition and reflect on people that you know, and ask yourself if you feel they are needing extra love.運用直覺,反思自己認識的人,問問自己是否覺得自己需要額外的愛。 Then call them or send them a loving email.然後給他們打電話或給他們發送一封充滿愛意的電子郵件。
If you call them, do not talk about politics or the pandemic or other upsetting topics, tell them how much you care about them, ask them if they are needing help, tell them how much you love them.如果您給他們打電話,不要談論政治,流行病或其他令人沮喪的話題,告訴他們您對他們有多關心,詢問他們是否需要幫助,告訴他們您有多愛他們。 Being a true friend to others right now is a very healing thing and extremely important.現在成為別人的真正朋友是一件非常有益的事情,並且非常重要。 Help to bring someone back home to their heart.幫助使某人回到家中。 Be the friend that can help someone feel found.成為可以幫助某人感到被發現的朋友。
* InnerSelf的字幕
充滿熱情的意義遠不止多愁善感或沉悶。 瑜伽中的心臟脈輪是身體的精神中心,上方三個脈輪下方三個。 它是下半身與上半身之間或身體與精神之間的平衡點。 因此,要在心中保持平衡,將較低的三個脈輪與較高的三個脈輪整合在一起。
喬伊斯和巴里·維塞爾是一對護士/治療師和精神病學家夫婦,自 1964 年以來一直是加州聖克魯斯附近的諮商師,他們熱衷於意識關係和個人精神成長。他們是 10 本書的作者,最新的是 幾個奇蹟:一對,不只是幾個奇蹟.
訪問他們的網站 SharedHeart.org 觀看他們每週 10 至 15 分鐘的免費勵志視頻,激勵過去有關人際關係和發自內心生活的許多主題的文章,或者在線或親自預訂諮詢課程。
聽一個電台採訪 與喬伊斯和巴里Vissell的“有意識路徑的關係”.
本·普拉特(Ben Platt)的歌曲《您將被發現》 約翰·努里(Vissell)演唱,從視頻的6:59開始:
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