Here's Why Resistance Training Is So Effective For Weight Loss
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舉重,也稱為阻力訓練,已經 練習了幾個世紀 as a way of building muscular strength.作為增強肌肉力量的一種方式。 Research shows that resistance training, whether done via body weight, resistance bands or machines, dumbbells or free weights, not only helps us研究表明,無論是通過體重訓練,阻力帶訓練,器械訓練,啞鈴訓練還是舉重訓練都可以幫助我們進行阻力訓練 建立力量,但也 改善肌肉大小 並可以幫助抵消 與年齡有關的肌肉丟失.

More recently it's become popular among those looking to lose weight.最近,它在那些想減肥的人中變得很流行。 While exercises such as running and cycling are indeed effective for雖然跑步和騎自行車等運動確實對 減少體內脂肪,這些活動可以同時減少肌肉大小,從而導致 肌肉較弱 和更大的體重減輕,因為肌肉 比脂肪更濃密。 But unlike endurance exercises, evidence shows但是,與耐力練習不同,證據表明 抵抗訓練 不僅對 減少體內脂肪, 它也是 增加肌肉大小 和力量。


When we exercise, our muscles need more energy than they do when resting.當我們運動時,與休息時相比,我們的肌肉需要更多的能量。 This energy comes from our muscles' ability to break down fat and carbohydrate (stored within the muscle, liver and fat tissue) with the help of oxygen.這種能量來自我們的肌肉借助氧氣分解脂肪和碳水化合物(存儲在肌肉,肝臟和脂肪組織中)的能力。 So during exercise, we breathe faster and our heart works harder to pump more oxygen, fat, and carbohydrate to our exercising muscles.因此,在運動過程中,我們呼吸更快,我們的心臟更加努力地向運動的肌肉中泵入更多的氧氣,脂肪和碳水化合物。

然而,不太明顯的是,在我們完成運動後,為了保持健康,實際上仍然保持了較高的攝氧量。 恢復肌肉 to their resting state by breaking down stored fat and carbohydrates.通過分解儲存的脂肪和碳水化合物使其恢復靜止狀態。 This phenomenon is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) – though more commonly known as the “after-burn effect”.這種現像被稱為運動後過度耗氧量(EPOC),儘管通常被稱為“燃燒後效應”。 It describes how long oxygen uptake remains elevated after exercise in order to help the muscles recover.它描述了運動後多長時間保持較高的攝氧量以幫助肌肉恢復。

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範圍和持續時間 of the after-burn effect is determined by the type, length, and intensity of exercise, as well as fitness level and diet.燒傷後效果的大小取決於運動的類型,時間和強度,以及健身水平和飲食習慣。 Longer-lasting exercise that uses multiple large muscles, performed to or near fatigue, results in higher and longer-lasting after-burn.使用多塊大肌肉進行的較持久的運動,會導致疲勞或接近疲勞,從而導致更高的持久度的燒傷。

Exercises that engage more large muscle groups enhance after-burn effect. (here is why resistance training is so effective for weight loss)參與更多大型肌肉群的運動可增強燒傷後的效果。 Photology1971 / Shutterstock

高強度間歇訓練(HIIT)和高強度阻力訓練是 最有效 HIIT型鍛煉被認為比穩態耐力鍛煉更有效的原因是因為與HIIT相關的疲勞增加。 This fatigue leads to more oxygen and energy required over a這種疲勞會導致更多的氧氣和能量消耗超過 延長時間 to repair damaged muscle and replenish depleted energy stores.修復受損的肌肉並補充消耗的能量。 As such, resistance exercise is an effective way to lose excess fat due to the high calorie cost of the actual training session, and the “after-burn effect”.這樣,由於實際訓練中的高熱量消耗和“燒後效應”,抵抗運動是減少多餘脂肪的有效方法。


Resistance training can also be effective for long-term weight control, too.阻力訓練對長期控制體重也很有效。 This is because muscle size plays a major role in determining resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is how many calories your body requires to function at rest.這是因為肌肉大小在確定靜息代謝率(RMR)方面起著重要作用,RMR是您的身體在靜息狀態下需要消耗的卡路里。 Resting metabolic rate accounts for靜息代謝率佔 能源總支出的60-75% 在不運動的人中,脂肪是人體的 首選能源 在休息。

通過阻力訓練增加肌肉大小會增加RMR,從而增加或維持 隨著時間的流失。 A review of 18 studies found that resistance training was effective at回顧XNUMX項研究發現,抵抗訓練對 增加靜息代謝率,而有氧運動以及有氧和阻力綜合運動 不那麼有效。 However, it's also important to但是, 控制卡路里攝入 為了減肥和維持脂肪流失。

Resistance training exercises should engage the largest muscle groups, use whole body exercises performed standing and should involve two or more joints.阻力訓練應使最大的肌肉群參與,使用站立時進行的全身運動,並應涉及兩個或多個關節。 All of these make the body work harder, thereby increasing the amount of muscle and therefore RMR.所有這些使身體更加努力工作,從而增加了肌肉量,從而增加了RMR。 An effective resistance training programme should combine intensity, volume (number of exercises and sets), and progression (increasing both as you get stronger).一個有效的阻力訓練計劃應結合強度,量(練習和練習的數量)和進度(隨著強度的提高而增加)。 The intensity should be high enough that you feel challenged during your workout.強度應足夠高,以使您在鍛煉過程中感到挑戰。

The most effective way of doing this is using the repetition maximum method.最有效的方法是使用最大重複法。 For the purpose of fat loss, this should be performing between為了減脂,應該在 六和十次重複 XNUMX至XNUMX套,每週XNUMX至XNUMX次 每個肌肉群 被推薦。

The repetition maximum method also ensures progression, because the stronger you get, the more you will need to increase resistance or load to cause fatigue by the tenth repetition.最大重複法也可確保進步,因為您越強壯,第十次重複將需要更多的阻力或負荷來引起疲勞。 Progression can be achieved by increasing the resistance or intensity so that fatigue occurs after performing fewer repetitions, say eight or six.可以通過增加抵抗力或強度來達到進步的目的,這樣疲勞就會在進行較少的重複(例如八到六次)後發生。

Resistance training helps with excess fat loss by increasing both after-burn after exercise, and by increasing muscle size, thereby increasing the number of calories we burn at rest.阻力訓練可增加運動後的後燃,並增加肌肉的大小,從而增加多餘的脂肪,從而增加我們在休息時燃燒的卡路里數量。 Combining it with a healthy diet will only further increase the loss of excess body fat – and may also provide other positive health benefits.將其與健康飲食相結合只會進一步增加體內多餘脂肪的流失,並且還可能帶來其他積極的健康益處。The Conversation


力量與調理高級講師David R Clark 利物浦約翰摩爾斯大學; Carl Langan-Evans,博士後研究員,力量與調理, 利物浦約翰摩爾斯大學和神經肌肉生理學讀者Robert M. Erskine, 利物浦約翰摩爾斯大學

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通過 Chael Sonnen 和 Ryan Parsons









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在 Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy 中,作家和著名教練 Bret Contreras 創建了無需自由重量器械、健身器械甚至健身房即可增加全身力量的權威資源。




男性健康運動大書是任何想要擁有更好體型的人的必備鍛煉指南。 作為有史以來最全面的練習集,這本書是健身初學者和長期健身愛好者的強大塑身工具。
