The Energy of Money: Why Do We Make Wealth All About Money?
圖片由 穆罕默德哈桑。 Modified by InnerSelf.由InnerSelf修改。



金錢是一種能量,就像愛,時間和呼吸一樣。 然而,在現代世界,我們已使貨幣成為最常見的交換貨幣。它無所不在。我們用我們的時間、我們的勞動——甚至,可悲的是,我們的愛——來換取它。如果你環顧你的家,你會看到大部分都是已經購買的東西,或是已經用錢換來的東西。

Right now, I'm looking around my office.現在,我正在四處尋找辦公室。 My desk, my computer, my vase and the flowers in it: all these things have been purchased with money.我的書桌,我的電腦,我的花瓶和其中的鮮花:所有這些東西都是用金錢購買的。


When our internal Wealth Code circuits are jammed, it makes it hard for us to create, receive, and flow with money.當我們的內部財富代碼電路受阻時,這使我們很難用錢來創建,接收和流動資金。 All of those misconceptions and limiting beliefs are playing subliminally in the background, and keeping the wealth we really want at arm's length.所有這些誤解和局限性信念都是在後台潛移默化地進行的,並讓我們真正想要的財富與我們保持距離。 We might be working really hard to create wealth, but while this “white noise” is buzzing in our ears, we won't realize the full results of our efforts.我們可能真的在努力創造財富,但是當這種“白噪音”在我們耳邊嗡嗡作響時,我們不會意識到努力的全部結果。

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Here's the thing: money, wealth, and spirituality are inextricably connected.事情就是這樣:金錢,財富和靈性密不可分。 Using spiritual tools to work on your money stuff can be one of the most challenging, and most rewarding, processes you can undertake, because your beliefs about money, worth, and value touch every area of your life.使用精神工具處理您的金錢可能是您可以進行的最具挑戰性和最有意義的過程之一,因為您對金錢,價值和價值的信念觸及您生活的每個領域。

When I had to let go of my yoga center, I was taken to my knees.當我不得不放開瑜伽中心時,我被跪了下來。 To get through this dark night of the soul, I deepened my study of Vedic Astrology and meditated on what I knew and believed about the laws of the universe.為了度過靈魂的漆黑夜晚,我加深了對吠陀占星術的研究,沉思了自己對宇宙定律的了解和信仰。 I wanted to understand my soul blueprint and its relationship to the energy of wealth and abundance.我想了解我的靈魂藍圖及其與財富和豐富能量的關係。 This potent self-inquiry enabled me to drill down into the essence of my beliefs about myself and how I related to money and wealth.這種有效的自我詢問使我能夠深入了解自己對自己的信念的本質,以及我與金錢和財富的關係。 When I discovered how I was living out of sync with my purpose and prosperity, I was able to course-correct and get back on my path.當我發現自己與自己的目標和繁榮生活不同步時,我能夠進行正確的調整併回到自己的道路上。 Soon, I was not only attracting wealth and clients, but I also felt happier, freer, and more aligned with my own truth.不久,我不僅吸引了財富和客戶,而且我感到更加快樂,自由,並且更加符合自己的真理。

當你的靈魂說話時——當你的真理說話時——它可以當場改變恐懼。 But until you get to that deep, spiritual place where the truth can be heard, you will still have to contend with all of the noise of your false beliefs.但是,直到您到達可以聽到真相的深層,屬靈的地方,您仍將不得不面對所有錯誤信念的干擾。 That's why inner work is as vital to wealth as physical work.這就是為什麼內部工作與財富一樣對財富至關重要的原因。


You have a personal “Wealth User's Guide.”您有個人的《財富用戶指南》。 It came with you at birth.剛出生時就隨您而來。 It's a divine plan for your abundance, purpose, and passion, designed on a soul level just for you.這是為您的豐富,目標和激情而設計的神聖計劃,是專為您量身定制的。

The thing is, in order to use it, you have to know it's there.問題是,要使用它,您必須知道它的存在。 Then, you actually have to open it up and read it.然後,您實際上必須打開它並閱讀。

It's like when you purchase a piece of furniture from one of those big box stores.就像當您從這些大型盒子商店之一購買家具時。 When you get it home, you take all the parts out so you can see what you've got.到家後,您將所有零件都取出來,這樣您就可以看到自己所擁有的。 At first glance, it all makes sense: you can see that these screws go here, and this piece fits with that one.乍看之下,這都是有道理的:您可以看到這些螺釘都在這裡,並且這塊螺釘與那顆螺釘完全匹配。 You put it together, thinking you've got it covered, and that you don't您將其放在一起,以為您已將其覆蓋,卻沒有 need to read that inch-thick instruction manual.需要閱讀該英寸厚的使用手冊。 You're smart enough to screw together an end table without help, right?您足夠聰明,可以在不需要幫助的情況下將茶几固定在一起,對嗎?

然後,當你完成後,你會發現還剩下一些部分。 「沒什麼大不了的,」你想。 “它們只是一些備用板和螺絲。”但幾個月後,當你的桌子下垂且搖晃時,你意識到它並沒有真正達到你的預期目的——即固定住你的東西而不摔倒。

At that point, do you blame the table, and call it defective?那時,您是否責怪桌子,並稱其有缺陷? Or do you go back to the instruction manual and figure out the best way to put all the parts together?還是您返回說明手冊,找出將所有零件組裝在一起的最佳方法? Maybe that board you ignored was there to stabilize everything.也許您忽略的那塊板可以穩定一切。 Maybe those extra screws really were necessary.也許這些額外的螺絲確實是必要的。



It's the same with your Wealth Code.您的財富代碼也是如此。 Without knowing what your inner instruction manual says, you can be tempted to ignore those parts of yourself that don't immediately fit your picture of how things should be.在不了解內部指導手冊說什麼的情況下,您可能會想忽略自己的那些與當前情況不符的部分。 The difference is that, with an end table, it's easy to see your mistakes and correct them.區別在於,通過茶几,很容易看到您的錯誤並進行糾正。 On the other hand, when things don't seem to be working in your career or your life, it's easy to get disappointed and think that there's something wrong with you, instead of going back to that set of internal directions and reconfiguring your setup and priorities.另一方面,當事情在您的職業或生活中似乎不起作用時,很容易讓人失望並認為您出了什麼問題,而不是回到內部方向並重新配置您的設置和優先事項。

Things get even more complicated when you factor in other people.當您考慮其他人時,事情變得更加複雜。 Imagine that, while you're trying to build your end table, you have a crowd of people around you, all shouting out different directions and ideas about what's possible for your new furniture.想像一下,當您嘗試構建茶几時,周圍有很多人,所有人都大聲疾呼關於新家具可能的方向和想法。 With that kind of distraction, it would be super easy to put a piece in the wrong place, or forget a screw here and there.有了這種分散注意力的方法,就很容易在錯誤的地方放一塊東西,或者在這里和那裡忘記螺絲。

The career and life directions you receive from others amount to pretty much the same thing.您從他人那裡獲得的職業和生活指導幾乎是一回事。 Sometimes, those directions are valuable;有時,這些指示很有價值; sometimes they're completely off-base.有時它們完全是基地。 But one thing is always true: if you listen to others' directions without consulting your personal, divine plan for wealth, you're pretty much guaranteed to end up with a wobbly table.但是總有一件事情是正確的:如果您在聽別人的指導而未諮詢您個人神聖的財富計劃時,那麼您肯定會得到一張搖搖欲墜的桌子。



The thing was, her passion wasn't in education, but in health and wellness.事實是,她的熱情不是教育,而是健康。 She had a wellness business on the side, and felt that she could really express her purpose there.她在一家保健公司工作,覺得自己可以在這裡真正表達自己的目的。 But after over-giving all day long in every other area of her life, she didn't have the bandwidth to get her business off the ground.但是,在她一生中的所有其他方面都付出了一整天的努力之後,她沒有足夠的帶寬來開展業務。

More, she had a problem with receiving.而且,她在接收方面有問題。 She could give what seemed like an infinite amount of energy to others, but she couldn't ask for it for herself, or receive it fully when it was offered to her.她可以給別人看似無窮的能量,但她無法為自己尋求能量,也無法在收到能量時完全獲得能量。 This, combined with a related belief that she couldn't receive what she needed to survive from her wellness business, kept her stuck in a wobbly-table life that didn't feel fulfilling.再加上與此相關的信念,即她無法從健康事業中獲得生存所需的一切,使她陷入了無法滿足的搖擺不定的生活。

當她使用自己的《神聖財富法典》時發現,她的一部分財富是 接收?不只是金錢,還有精力、愛和時間。她陷入了過度給予的能量之中,這是她財富法則的陰影部分。我們清除了幕後的誤導性信念,這些信念讓她為他人做事,以便感到有價值和被愛。

Once that energy was gone, it was easy for her to learn to say no to the things that weren't really hers to do, and put all of that extra energy toward the work she knew in her heart was aligned with her purpose.一旦這種精力消失了,她很容易學會對那些不是她真正要做的事情說不,並將所有額外的精力投入到她內心深處的工作中,這符合她的目標。 More, by tapping into what she really wanted to give, she opened up to receive what others wanted to share with her, and was able to create a prosperous and thriving business.而且,通過挖掘自己真正想提供的東西,她開始接受別人想與她分享的東西,並且能夠創建一個繁榮而繁榮的業務。

A byproduct of aligning with her Wealth Code was that Samantha found and married the love of her life.薩曼莎(Samantha)找到並嫁給了她一生的摯愛,這是與她的《財富法》保持一致的副產品。 When you align對齊時 有了真正的財富給您,滿足您的一切都會開始下降!



Another of my clients, Julie, had a foot in two very different worlds.我的另一個客戶朱莉(Julie)涉足了兩個截然不同的世界。 She had a medical career, and she was an artist.她從事醫學工作,是一名藝術家。 When I met her, she really wanted to understand what her purpose was, because she felt like she had a calling beyond what she was doing, but couldn't put her finger on what it was.當我遇見她時,她真的很想了解她的目的,因為她覺得自己的呼喚超出了她正在做的事情,但是卻無法理解它的意思。

She was truly passionate about her art, and had been painting for a long time.她對藝術充滿熱情,並且從事繪畫已經很長時間了。 She'd even sold a few pieces, but didn't believe that she could make a real living through her art.她甚至賣出了幾件作品,但不相信自己可以通過自己的藝術謀生。 And so, she waffled back and forth between her career and her passion, without being fully rooted in either.因此,她在事業和激情之間來回搖擺,而沒有完全紮根於任何一個。

When we looked at her Sacred Wealth Code, we found that Julie is a teacher and healer, and art is one of her mediums.當我們查看她的《神聖財富法典》時,我們發現朱莉是一位老師和治療者,而藝術是她的媒介之一。 When she got in touch with that truth inside herself, she discovered that, if she was willing to trust herself and her value, she could teach her art in a way that would help people heal.當她接觸到自己內心的真相時,她發現,如果她願意相信自己和自己的價值,她可以通過一種可以幫助人們康復的方式來教授她的藝術。 She was already healing in her medical career, so this was just a new expression of that desire.她已經在醫學界康復,所以這只是這種渴望的一種新表達。

After that, she started to sell paintings.之後,她開始出售繪畫。 She also began to teach, and followed through on an inspiration to create a system designed to bring people together in community and teach them through the act of painting.她還開始教書,並從中獲得靈感,創建了一個系統,旨在將人們聚集到一起,並通過繪畫來教他們。 She even took her new modality to the medical field she'd been involved in.她甚至將自己的新療法帶入了她所參與的醫學領域。

There were some bumps in the road at first.起初路上有些顛簸。 Julie had historically been very shy about her art, and tried not to let it “interfere” in her medical career.從歷史上看,朱莉(Julie)一直對她的藝術很害羞,並試圖不讓其“干擾”她的醫學生涯。 When she first brought her art to her peers in the medical community, they were happy for her, but also reacted as though what she was doing was a hobby.當她第一次將自己的藝術帶給醫學界的同齡人時,他們為她感到高興,但也做出了反應,好像她在做的是一種業餘愛好。 They were willing to let her teach classes, but they didn't want to pay her.他們願意讓她教課,但他們不想付錢給她。

朱莉意識到,由於不“擁有”自己的藝術,她低估了自己最偉大的天賦之一,因此低估了自己。 一旦她改變了這些信念和誤解,一切都變了。 她的醫療同齡人和行政部門的回應是急切地要求她帶給他們的工作,甚至在醫療機構中建立一個空間,任何人都可以來參加她所提供的創造性表達和治療。 人們從木製品中出來購買她的畫,即使她沒有做廣告!



請記住,您的《財富法典》位於您的繁榮與目標相遇的地方。 For Samantha, it was where her desire to serve met her passion for vitality and health.對於薩曼莎(Samantha)而言,她的服務願望滿足了她對活力和健康的熱情。 For Julie, it was at the unlikely intersection of medicine and art.對於朱莉來說,這是醫學與藝術之間不太可能的交集。



©2017 by Prema Lee Gurreri。


作者:Prema Lee Gurreri

Your Sacred Wealth Code: Unlock Your Soul Blueprint For Purpose & Prosperity by Prema Lee Gurreri您擁有獨特的財富內部設計,並在您的靈魂藍圖中進行了編碼,並且就像您的指紋一樣,它與其他任何人都不一樣。 它被稱為您的《神聖財富法典》,以目的和繁榮的通用語言編寫。 這本書是一本指南,劇本和日記本。 它提供了您從目標和繁榮的獨特“最佳位置”發現,理解,體現和運作所需的一切。 通過信息,故事,沉思和體驗性的財富關注實踐,您將踏上探索靈魂藍圖和個人《財富法典》的旅程,並學習如何採取每日啟發性的行動,最終奪取屬於您與生俱來的繁榮生活。

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Prema Lee GurreriPrema Lee Gurreri是一位領先的Vedic Astrologer,商業顧問,能源從業者和精神教練,擁有超過25年的經驗,並且是 您的神聖財富法則:為目的和繁榮解鎖靈魂藍圖。 她授權領導者,企業家,夢想家和變革推動者採取靈感行動並解鎖他們的神聖財富守則®。 利用她直觀的商業建設方法和她的專利Soulutionary®技術,Prema的客戶通過做他們想做的事情來體現財富並創造有意義的生活。 要了解有關Prema的更多信息,請訪問

視頻/ Prema Lee Gurreri訪談:找到您的神聖財富代碼
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