圖片由 海倫娜·舒斯特卡婭(Helena Sushitskaya) 

很少有人和狗一起生活會否認狗有感情。 喬治·羅曼斯(George Romanes)從他的好朋友達爾文(Darwin)那裡得到線索,他寫道:“狗的情感生活高度發達 - 確實比任何其他動物更高。” (他沒有包括人類動物,但也許他應該這樣做。)

當然,狗有感情,我們可以毫不費力地承認它們。 歡樂,例如。 任何事都可以像狗一樣快樂嗎? 向前走,在外出散步時撞到灌木叢中,開心,快樂,快樂。 相反,當你說“不,我們不去散步”時,任何事情都會像狗一樣失望嗎? 他倒在地板上,耳朵摔倒,他抬起頭,露出他的眼睛的白色,一臉沮喪。 純粹的快樂,純粹的失望。

But are this joy and disappointment identical to what humans mean when we use these words?但是,這種歡樂和失望與我們使用這些詞時人類的意思是一樣的嗎? What dogs do, the way they behave, even the sounds they make, seem instantaneously translatable into human emotional terms.狗的行為,行為舉止甚至聲音都可以立即轉化為人類的情感術語。 When a dog is rolling in fresh-cut grass, the pleasure on her face is unmistakable.當一條狗在鮮切的草叢中滾動時,臉上的愉悅感是顯而易見的。 No one could be wrong in saying that what she is feeling is akin to what any of us (though less often, perhaps) may feel.說她的感覺類似於我們任何人(雖然可能較少)可能會感覺到的那樣,這沒有錯。

The words used to describe the emotion may be wrong, our vocabulary imprecise, the analogy imperfect, but there is also some deep similarity that escapes nobody.用來形容情感的詞語可能是錯誤的,我們的詞彙不夠精確,比喻不完善,但也有一些深深的相似之處讓人無法逃脫。 My dog may appear to feel joy and sorrow much the way I do, and the appearance here is critical: We often have no more to go on when it comes to our fellow humans.我的狗可能會像我一樣感到快樂和悲傷,這裡的樣子很關鍵:當涉及到人類時,我們通常無事可做。


Sasha歡快地旋轉著,尖叫並發出非凡的聲音。 What accounts for this display of unbounded pleasure in our return?是什麼原因使我們的回報無比愉悅呢?


We tend to explain it by assuming a kind of stupidity: The dog thought I was gone forever.我們傾向於以一種愚蠢來解釋它:狗以為我永遠走了。 Dogs, we say, have no sense of time.我們說狗沒有時間感。 As Robert Kirk of the Cornell Veterinary School once put it to me, dogs don't watch the clock.正如康奈爾獸醫學院的羅伯特·柯克(Robert Kirk)所說的那樣,狗不看鐘。 Every minute is forever.每一分鐘都是永遠的。 Everything is for good.一切都很好。 Out means gone.滅意味著走了。 In other words, when dogs do not behave as we do, we assume it to be irrational behavior.換句話說,當狗的行為與我們不同時,我們認為這是不合理的行為。 Yet a lover is entranced to see the beloved again after even a brief absence -- and dogs are all about love.然而,即使短暫的缺席,一個情人也被吸引來再次見到被愛的人,而狗都是關於愛的。

在我們回歸中,狗的喜悅的另一個解釋可能是小狗迎接母親的方式。 一旦母親出現,小狗就圍著她,渴望哺乳或期待她為他們嘔吐食物。 狼有一個問候儀式,在此期間他們搖尾巴,互相舔,咬住其他狼的槍口。 正如John Paul Scott和JL Fuller所暗示的那樣,小狗的快樂可能是這個儀式的遺跡。



Soon after she joined the family, Sasha was sitting next to me one evening as I worked on an early draft of this chapter.在她加入家人後不久,Sasha一天晚上坐在我旁邊,當時我正在編寫本章的初稿。 I had been alone all day, working.我整天獨自一人工作。 There were just the two of us sitting in the living room, and it was very quiet.我們兩個人坐在客廳裡,非常安靜。 I looked over at Sasha and noticed that she was looking at me.我看著薩莎,發現她在看著我。 Suddenly I was overwhelmed with the thought: There is another being in this room, another consciousness.突然間,我被這個想法淹沒了:這個房間裡還有另一個存在,另一個意識。 There is somebody here besides me.除了我,這裡還有人。

What, though, was Sasha thinking?但是,Sasha在想什麼? Why did she suddenly glance up at me?她為什麼突然瞥我一眼? Was she just checking to make sure I was still there, that I had nothing else in mind?她只是在檢查以確保我還在那兒,確保我沒有其他想法嗎? Or was it a more complicated thought, one that was imbued (as many thoughts are) with feelings -- affection, for example, or perhaps anxiety?還是一種更複雜的思想,被一種(像許多思想一樣)充滿了情感-例如,情感或焦慮? She looked so peaceful, lying there.她看起來很安靜,躺在那裡。 Was she feeling something like tranquility?她是否感到安寧?

For certain Hindu philosophers, tranquility is the master emotion, the one that underlies all others -- it has been so fascinating to me that it was the subject of my Ph.D.對於某些印度教哲學家來說,寧靜是最主要的情感,是所有其他情感的基礎-它讓我著迷,這是我博士學位的主題。 thesis at Harvard.哈佛大學畢業論文。 Perhaps I was merely projecting my own feelings on to Sasha.也許我只是將自己的感受投射到Sasha身上。 It is hard to know.很難知道。

當Sasha靜靜地坐在我旁邊,看上去很滿足時,每隔一段時間一直嘆息著看似滿足的東西,我想知道她實際上是在感受什麼。 我多麼渴望成為她一刻,感受到她的感受。 我不止一次也有這種願望與人有關。 有人知道另一個人的感受嗎? 找出關於狗的感情的真相可能並不比人們更難。


The question of how we know what we feel, let alone what somebody else feels, is beset with difficulties.我們如何知道自己的感受,更不用說別人的感受了,這個問題充滿了困難。 Speaking to other people, we often use shorthand: "I feel sad" or "I feel happy."與其他人交談時,我們經常使用速記:“我感到難過”或“我感到高興”。 But more often than not what we feel is an emotional state for which there are no precise verbal equivalents.但是,我們經常感覺到的是一種情緒狀態,沒有精確的口頭對等物。

Think of how we restrict ourselves with language.想想我們如何用語言限制自己。 "I'm depressed," we say.我們說:“我很沮喪。” Yet that is only the vaguest hint of a more complex set of feelings.但這只是最複雜的一組感覺中最模糊的暗示。 It is probably the same for dogs;狗可能也一樣。 their joy is at least as complicated (in the sense that we are not always certain of its components; perhaps memory of earlier pleasure plays a role and perhaps it is entirely bound to the moment) and hard to define.它們的快樂至少同樣複雜(從某種意義上說,我們並不總是能確定其組成部分;也許對較早的快樂的記憶起著作用,也許完全與當下聯繫在一起)並且很難定義。

While it is clear that we can learn a great deal about dogs from observing their behavior in terms of purely external actions, I think it is time to recognize that we could understand much more from observing how dogs feel.很明顯,我們可以從純粹的外部行為觀察狗的行為中學習到很多有關狗的知識,但我認為現在應該認識到,通過觀察狗的感覺我們可以了解更多。 Moreover, we could learn something about our own feelings as well.此外,我們還可以學到一些關於自己的感受。 For in the realm of feelings we can have no sense of superiority.因為在感情領域,我們無法擁有優越感。

After a lifetime of affectionate regard for dogs and many years of close observation and reflection, I have reached the conclusion that dogs feel more than I do (I am not prepared to speak for other people).經過一生對狗的深切關懷以及多年的密切觀察和反思,我得出的結論是,狗比我有更多的感覺(我不准備為別人說話)。 They feel more, and they feel more purely and more intensely.他們感覺更多,他們的感覺更加純粹和強烈。 By comparison the human emotional landscape seems murky with subterfuge and ambivalence and emotional deception, intentional or not.相比之下,人類的情感景像似乎帶有詭計多端,模棱兩可和情感欺騙,無論有意與無意。 In searching for why we are so inhibited compared with dogs, perhaps we can learn to be as direct, as honest, as straightforward, and especially as intense in our feelings as dogs are.在尋找為什麼我們與狗相比如此被壓抑時,也許我們可以學會變得像狗一樣直接,誠實,坦率,尤其是與我們一樣強烈。


Freud remarked on the fact that "dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate in their object relations."弗洛伊德指出:“狗愛他們的朋友,咬他們的敵人,這與人們完全不同,他們不能純潔的愛,總是在對象關係中混合愛與恨,這一事實。” In other words, dogs are without the ambivalence with which humans seem cursed.換句話說,狗沒有人類似乎被詛咒的矛盾情緒。 We love, we hate, often the same person, on the same day, maybe even at the same time.我們愛,我們恨,常常是同一個人,同一天,甚至同一時間。

這在狗中是不可想像的,這是因為,正如某些人所相信的那樣,它們缺乏複雜性,或者像我所相信的那樣,它們對自己的感受不那麼困惑。 好像狗曾經愛過您,他總是愛您,無論您做什麼,無論發生什麼事情,無論經過多少時間。

Dogs have a prodigious memory for people they have known.狗為他們認識的人留下了深刻的回憶。 Perhaps this is because they associate people with the love they felt for them, and they derive pleasure from remembering this love.也許這是因為他們將人們與對他們的愛聯繫在一起,並且他們從記住這種愛中獲得樂趣。


Sasha is possessed by my two small kittens, Raj and Saj.我的兩隻小貓Raj和Saj擁有Sasha。 The minute she sees these two tiny fur dots, she goes into hyper-alert mode.當她看到這兩個微小的毛皮點時,便進入了超級警報模式。 She begins to whine and to moan and to groan.她開始抱怨,mo吟,to吟。 She looks at me with a pleading look, as if I hold the key to helping her get what she so badly wants.她以懇求的眼神看著我,彷彿我掌握了幫助她獲得她急切想要的東西的鑰匙。 She sniffs them.她聞他們。 She follows them from room to room, whining piteously.她從一個房間走到另一個房間,悲哀地抱怨。

The first night they were here, Sasha never slept at all.他們在這裡的第一個晚上,Sasha根本沒有睡過。 She lay on the floor next to their cage, crossed her feet daintily, and observed them all through the night.她躺在他們籠子旁邊的地板上,整齊地雙腳交叉,整夜觀察它們。 When I let them out, she gently put her paw on them.當我放開它們時,她輕輕地將爪子放在它們上。 The cats were a little dumbfounded by the whole thing, and especially at what Sasha took to doing by the second week: She would pick one up in her mighty jaws, taking great care not to harm him, carry him into another room, deposit him somewhere, and then head off to find the other one to do the same.整個過程都讓貓有些mb目結舌,尤其是第二天薩沙(Sasha)所做的事情:她會用巨大的下巴撿起一隻貓,非常小心不要傷害他,將他帶到另一個房間,把他放下某個地方,然後去尋找另一個做同樣的事情。

Seeing her carrying these little orange dots from room to room was as puzzling for me as it was evidently for the cats.看到她從一個房間到另一個房間帶著這些橙色的小點,這對我來說就像對貓來說一樣令人困惑。 Soon, however, they wanted to play.但是很快,他們就想玩。 One of the cats rolled over and reached out with her little paw.一隻貓滾過來,伸出她的小爪子。 Yet their interest in Sasha is mild compared to hers in them.然而,與她對她的興趣相比,他們對Sasha的興趣不大。 There can be no mistaking the intensity of her interest in these kittens.毫無疑問,她對這些小貓的興趣濃烈。 The nature of this interest is another matter.這種興趣的本質是另一回事。

她要什麼? 可能是母親的本能被喚醒了,Sasha想扮演小貓的母親嗎? 她真的認為自己是小狗,想把它們帶進書房嗎? 或者她的興趣是掠奪性的,因為她想要吃掉它們,並且在她傾聽我的意願(“不要吃小貓!”)和她作為掠食者的直覺告訴她小貓吃得好飯之間徘徊? 她只是好奇,想知道這些小生物是不是奇怪的小狗? 也許她只是在放牧他們; 她畢竟是牧羊人。

None of these explanations is entirely satisfactory.這些解釋都不是完全令人滿意的。 If it were a mothering instinct at work, she would behave similarly to rabbits, say, or geese, moaning when she sees them (instead of chasing them).如果這是工作中的一種母性本能,那麼她的行為將類似於兔子(例如鵝),在看到它們時會抱怨(而不是追逐它們)。 Moreover, Sasha has had no pups.此外,Sasha還沒有幼崽。 I doubt that she wants to eat them;我懷疑她想吃它們。 I can barely persuade her to eat a piece of steak.我幾乎不能說服她吃一塊牛排。 Nor is she stupid;她也不傻; she knows the difference between a dog and a cat.她知道狗和貓之間的區別。 If she were herding the kittens, she would not pick them up in her mouth, nor moan and groan with some inexpressible need or feeling.如果她在放牧小貓,她不會在嘴裡拾起小貓,也不會with吟和吟,有些無法表達的需要或感覺。

“簡單,看看它們有多可愛!” Or "They look so small and helpless, I want to protect them."或“它們看起來很小又無助,我想保護它們。” Or even "Beats me."甚至“打敗我”。

Whatever the behavior means, it is clear that Sasha is filled with feeling for these little kittens.無論行為如何,很明顯,Sasha都對這些小貓充滿了感覺。 It is clear because she moans and groans and follows them from room to room, and cocks her head and looks puzzled and intrigued.很明顯,因為她mo吟和吟,並從一個房間到另一個房間跟隨他們,,起她的頭,看上去很困惑,也很著迷。 That is why I say she is possessed.這就是為什麼我說她擁有。 She wants something from them, she feels something for them, and she seems to want to express those feelings.她想要從他們那裡得到一些東西,她對他們有感覺,並且她似乎想表達這些感覺。


It is hard to empathize with her because humans generally do not walk behind kittens sighing and groaning.很難同情她,因為人類通常不會在嘆息和吟的小貓後面行走。 There does not seem to be an equivalent for us.對於我們來說似乎沒有對等的東西。 Perhaps, then, Sasha is demonstrating to me one of my "pet theories": As well as the emotions animals and humans have in common, animals can also access emotions that humans do not share, ones different from those we know, because animals are other;也許,薩沙(Sasha)向我展示了我的“寵物理論”之一:除了動物和人類的共同情感外,動物還可以獲取人類不共享的情感,這與我們所知道的不同,因為動物是其他; they are not the same as human beings.它們與人類不同。 Their senses, their experiences, open them to a totally different (or new) set of feelings of which we know little or nothing.他們的感官和經歷使他們對我們完全不了解或什至一無所知的感覺完全不同(或新)。

That a whole world of canine feelings remains closed to us is an intriguing notion.整個犬類情感世界仍然對我們封閉,這是一個有趣的概念。 Some of these feelings could be based on the dog's sensory capacities.其中一些感覺可能是基於狗的感覺能力。 According to one early authority, a dog can smell 100 million times better than we do.根據一個早期的權威,狗聞起來比我們好一億倍。 But even if the true figure is significantly less, the fact remains that when Sasha puts her nose to the ground, she becomes aware of a world about which I can only make guesses.但是,即使真實的數字大大減少,事實仍然是,當Sasha將鼻子放到地面上時,她會意識到一個我只能猜測的世界。 Similarly, when Sasha cocks her ears, she hears sounds of which I am altogether unaware.同樣,當Sasha豎起耳朵時,她聽到了我完全不知道的聲音。


In the case of Sasha's interest in the kittens, we are dealing not with a question of superior (or inferior) sensory capacities but something else, something social.就薩莎(Sasha)對小貓的興趣而言,我們所解決的不是感官能力優越(或劣等)的問題,而是社會問題。 We like to assume that dogs and humans are social in very similar ways, and that therefore humans are uniquely qualified to understand whatever emotions a dog may have based on belonging (like us) to a pack.我們喜歡假設狗和人類的交往方式非常相似,因此人類具有獨特的資格來理解狗(基於我們)對背包的情感。

We, too, have deep interests in one another's social lives and the web of interrelations interdependence creates.我們對彼此的社會生活也有著濃厚的興趣,相互依存的相互依存的網絡也產生了。 We assume this is why dogs are able to understand us so well, and appear to empathize with humans from their own direct experience.我們認為,這就是為什麼狗能夠如此好地理解我們,並且似乎從他們自己的直接經歷中對人類產生了同情。

Perhaps they are so often right about human emotions because their social world is similar to ours.也許他們經常對人類的情感很正確,因為他們的社交世界與我們的社交世界相似。 We are not similar to cats in the same way, and cats are not all that good at understanding us.我們不是以相同的方式類似於貓,貓也不是那麼善於理解我們。 We do not expect the same kind of sympathy from our cat as we do from our dog.我們不希望貓對狗的同情。 A cat the size of a lion would be an animal we would approach with some hesitation.貓大小只有獅子的貓,我們會猶豫不決地接近。 No matter what size, however, most of us would accept a reliable dog as being reliable.但是,無論大小如何,我們大多數人都會接受可靠的狗。

The German ethologist P. Leyhausen, an expert on the cat family, makes the point that nobody chose to domesticate the cat;貓科專家德國倫理學家P. Leyhausen指出,沒有人選擇馴養貓。 it chose domestication itself, while nevertheless maintaining its independent nature.它選擇了馴化本身,但仍保持其獨立性。 He believes that the cat is domestic, but not domesticated.他認為貓是家養的,但不是家養的。


德國學者埃伯哈德·特魯姆勒(Eberhard Trumler)認為,加入人類褶皺的並不是狼,而是相反。 他指出,在系統發育上比我們年長並且狩獵精良的狼群不需要人類的幫助。 另一方面,男人來自吃植物的祖先,並不像狼一樣狩獵。 為了吃東西,狼根本不需要我們,但我們可以從狼的幫助中受益。 很可能是人類群體跟著狼群,等到他們殺了一團,然後追趕狼群。 印第安狼經常被野豬趕走,而早期的人類和狼也是如此。

博物學家和作家傑瑞德·戴蒙德指出,大型哺乳動物都是在8000和2500之間馴化的。馴化從狗開始,然後轉移到綿羊,山羊和豬,最後是阿拉伯和雙峰駝和水牛。 他認為,自從2500 bc以來,沒有重大的增加。 為什麼會這樣,這是一個從未得到回答的問題。

Although other animals have been domesticated -- primarily the cat, the horse, certain birds, rabbits, cattle -- no other animal (wild, tame, or domesticated) carries such meaning for humans as the dog.儘管已經馴化了其他動物-主要是貓,馬,某些鳥,兔子,牛-但其他動物(野生,馴服或馴化)對人類卻沒有像狗這樣的含義。 We feel strongly about such non-domesticated animals as wolves, elephants, and dolphins (all of which can be tamed but over whose reproductive life we exercise little control), but our direct interactions with them are much more restricted.我們對諸如狼,大象和海豚之類的非馴養動物深有感觸(它們都可以被馴服,但我們對其繁殖生活幾乎沒有控制權),但是我們與它們的直接互動受到更多限制。

By raising all these domesticated animals over centuries, we have altered their genetic makeup to make them conform to our desires.通過飼養所有這些馴養動物幾個世紀,我們改變了它們的基因組成,使其符合我們的願望。 We control their reproductive functions and breed them to suit our needs, just as we control their territory and food supply.我們控制它們的生殖功能,並根據我們的需要對其進行繁殖,就像我們控制其領土和糧食供應一樣。 Juliet Clutton-Brock, an expert on domestication, believes, as Darwin did, that only humans benefit from the association.馴化專家朱麗葉·克魯頓·布羅克(Juliet Clutton-Brock)相信,正如達爾文所做的那樣,只有人類才能從該協會中受益。 She quotes Darwin to the effect that "as the will of man thus comes into play we can understand how it is that domestic races of animals and cultivated races of plants often exhibit an abnormal character, as compared with natural species; they have been modified not for their own benefit, but for that of man."她引用達爾文的話說,“隨著人類意志的發揮,我們可以理解,與自然物種相比,家養動物​​和植物栽培種常常表現出異常的特徵;它們並未經過修飾為了自己的利益,但為了人類的利益。”

狗專家和人道協會副主席(負責生物倫理和農場動物保護)的邁克爾福克斯指出,我們在馴養動物中培育的快速成熟,抗病性,高生育力和長壽,將在自然界產生某些物種過多,這將導致生態平衡的轉變(並可能導致其他物種的滅絕)。 許多這些馴養的動物,即使它們看起來是半野生的,也依賴於人類並且需要相當多的關注。 即使是強壯的山羊仍然需要浸泡,蠕蟲,並給予補充的冬季飼料。

Even among domesticated animals, the dog stands out as perhaps the only fully domesticated species.即使在馴養的動物中,狗也可能是唯一完全馴化的物種。 Goats are domesticated, and can be tame, but they rarely make intimate companions.山羊是馴化的,可以馴服,但是很少結交親密伴侶。 Pigs probably could, if given half a chance.如果有一半的機會,豬可能可以。 H. Hediger, the director of the Zoological Gardens of Zurich, writes that the dog, basically a domesticated wolf, was the first creature with which humans formed intimate bonds that were intense on both sides.蘇黎世動物園主任哈迪格(H. Hediger)寫道,這隻狗基本上是一頭馴養的狼,是人類與人類在雙方之間形成緊密聯繫的第一種動物。

According to Hediger, no other animal stands in such intimate psychological union with us;根據赫迪格(Hediger)的說法,沒有其他動物與我們如此親密的心理交融。 only the dog seems capable of reading our thoughts and "reacting to our faintest changes of expression or mood."只有那隻狗似乎能夠讀懂我們的思想並“對我們最微弱的表情或情緒變化做出反應”。 German dog trainers use the term Gefühlsinn (a feeling for feelings) to talk about the fact that a dog can sense our moods.德國訓犬師使用Gefühlsinn(一種感覺)來談論狗可以感覺到我們的情緒這一事實。


知道狗的情緒的伏爾泰用一隻丟失的狗的例子來反駁笛卡爾的論點,即狗隻是機器,不能承受任何痛苦。 他在他的Dictionnaire哲學中回應了笛卡爾:

判斷這只失去了主人的狗,他在每條道路上都為他尋找悲傷的哭聲,他回到家裡激動,不安,上下樓梯,從一個房間走到另一個房間,終於找到了他心愛的主人在他的研究中,通過他的柔情,他的飛躍,他的愛撫,向他展示了他的快樂。 野蠻人抓住了這條在友誼中如此驚人地超越男人的狗。 他們將他釘在桌子上,並將他解剖,以顯示腸系膜靜脈。 你在他身上發現了你擁有的所有相同的感覺器官。 回答我,機械師,大自然安排了這種動物的所有感覺泉水,以便他不應該感覺到? 他有神經過敏嗎?

The reason why humans and dogs have such an intense relationship is that there is a mutual ability to understand one another's emotional responses.人與狗之間有著如此緊密的關係,其原因是人們相互理解對方的情緒反應。 The的 貪一時之快 狗的大小可能比我們的狗大,但它立即被識別為我們人類也喜歡的一種感覺。

狗和人之間的親密關係被視為理所當然,同時被視為極其神秘的東西。 當然,我覺得我的狗很親近,但這些狗是誰? 當然,他們是Sima,Sasha和Rani,這很簡單明了。

然而,當我工作時,我會經常看著他們躺在我的書房裡,並被另一種感覺所淹沒。 這些人是誰,躺在這裡,離我如此近,但又如此遙遠? 它們很容易被抓住,而且它們是不可思議的。 我知道他們以及我認識我最親密的朋友,但我不知道他們是誰。

摘自Random House,Inc。旗下Crown的許可,保留所有權利。 ©1997。 未經出版商書面許可,不得複製或轉載本摘錄的任何部分。


作者:Jeffrey Masson,博士。

Jeffrey Masson,博士,狗永遠不會說愛。As he guides readers through the surprising depth of canine emotional complexity, Jeffrey Masson draws from myth and literature, from scientific studies, and from the stories and observations of dog trainers and dog lovers around the world.杰弗裡·馬森(Jeffrey Masson)在引導讀者深入了解犬類情感複雜性的驚人深度時,借鑒了神話和文學,科學研究以及世界各地訓犬師和愛犬者的故事和觀察。 But the stars of the book are the author's own three dogs whose delightful and mysterious behavior provides the way to exploring a wide range of subjects--from emotions like gratitude, compassion, loneliness, and disappointment to speculating what dogs dream of and how their powerful sense of smell shapes their perception of reality.但是書中的明星是作者自己的三隻狗,它們的愉悅而神秘的行為為探索各種各樣的主題提供了途徑-從感激,同情,孤獨和失望之類的情緒到推測狗夢見的東西以及它們的力量如何嗅覺塑造了他們對現實的感知。 As he sweeps aside old prejudices on animal behavior, Masson reaches into a rich universe of dog feeling to its essential core, their "master emotion": love.當他拋棄對動物行為的偏見時,馬森進入了一個豐富的犬類感覺世界,這是其本質的核心,即他們的“主要情感”:愛。




Jeffrey Masson,博士Jeffrey Masson擁有博士學位。 來自哈佛大學的梵語,畢業於多倫多精神分析研究所。 他曾擔任西格蒙德弗洛伊德檔案館的項目主任。 他在那裡發現弗洛伊德虐待兒童方法的文件在精神分析方面引起了一場重大爭議。 他寫了十幾本書,其中包括最近全國暢銷書“大象哭泣:動物的情感生活”(與蘇珊麥卡錫合著)。 訪問他的網站 www.jeffreymasson.com.

杰弗裡·馬森(Jeffrey Masson)博士的視頻/演示:什麼動物教給我們關於善與惡的信息
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