
許多人擔心 露絲·巴德·金斯堡之死 puts protections of reproductive rights at increased risk in the United States.使生殖權利的保護在美國面臨更大的風險。 With a vacancy on the US Supreme Court likely to be filled by a president and Senate favouring increased restrictions on these rights, the survival of鑑於美國最高法院的空缺可能由總統和參議院填補,希望增加對這些權利的限制, 羅伊訴韋德案。 涉 這項裁定嚴重威脅了美國的統治。該裁決規定美國憲法保護婦女的自由墮胎權。

Public debate about abortion rights is likely to get heated.關於墮胎權的公開辯論可能會加劇。 So it seems appropriate to revisit the moral arguments used to defend both the pro-choice and pro-life positions.因此,重新審視用來捍衛親選擇和親生活立場的道德論證似乎是適當的。

As an ethicist who researches moral beliefs, I examine the moral justifications people give for the things they believe.作為研究道德信仰的倫理學家,我研究了人們為自己所相信的事物提供的道德理由。 You likely already know where you stand when it comes to the morality of abortion.您可能已經知道墮胎道德的立場。 But I think going over the arguments supporting long-held views can show an overlooked inconsistency in the pro-life view.但是我認為,回顧支持長期存在的觀點的論點,可能會在親生觀點中顯示出被忽視的矛盾之處。 It's an inconsistency that I am hopeful can lead people who are pro-life to support a woman's right to choose.我希望能帶領那些支持生命的人支持婦女的選擇權是矛盾的。

露絲·巴德·金斯堡(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)是美國最高法院的陪審法官,也是美國婦女權利運動的重要人物(如果您過著生活,那麼您可能已經成為了職業選擇)露絲·巴德·金斯堡(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)是美國最高法院的助理法官,也是美國婦女權利運動的關鍵人物 (存在Shutterstock)



Let's remind ourselves of the basics.讓我們提醒自己一些基本知識。 Pro-choice arguments usually appeal to the mother's親選擇的論點通常會吸引母親的 身體自治權,並且由於母親的身體自主權,墮胎在道德上通常是允許的。 Pro-life arguments usually appeal to the fetus's贊成生命的論點通常會吸引胎兒 生命權,並且由於胎兒的生命權,墮胎在道德上通常被禁止。

More sophisticated versions of these arguments appeal to different weighing claims.這些論證的更複雜的版本吸引了不同的稱量要求。 Someone who is pro-choice can accept that a fetus does indeed have a right to life but insist this right is outweighed by the有選擇權的人可以接受胎兒確實具有生命權,但堅持認為​​胎兒享有生命權。 母親的身體自主權。 Likewise, someone who is pro-life can accept that a mother does indeed have a right to bodily autonomy but insist that this right is outweighed by the同樣,親生人士可以接受母親確實擁有人身自治的權利,但堅持認為​​母親要享有這項權利。 胎兒的生命權.

But these two positions are not monoliths.但是,這兩個職位不是獨石。 Some people who are pro-life believe there are important exceptions regarding abortion.一些贊成生命的人認為,墮胎方面有重要的例外。 A moderate pro-life position says that abortion is generally morally forbidden, except in cases where the mother's life is at risk, or when the pregnancy is caused by incest or rape.適度的生育前地位表示,從道德上講,人工流產是被禁止的,除非母親的生命處於危險之中,或因亂倫或強姦而懷孕。 I'll focus on the last of these exceptions here.在這裡,我將重點介紹這些異常中的最後一個。 Other pro-life defenders, who are more extreme, reject such qualifiers.其他極端的捍衛生命的捍衛者則拒絕了這樣的預選賽。

2019年XNUMX月, 促請生活主義者 共和黨全國委員會(RNC)反對新通過的墮胎法中關於強奸的任何例外規定,因為“人的生命價值不取決於受孕或生育的情況。”

但是在同一個月,唐納德·特朗普在推特上寫道:“……我非常支持生活,但三個例外-強姦,亂倫和保護母親的生命……” 呼應羅納德·裡根(Ronald Reagan)的信念.


普通人也普遍享有適度的生活。 接近75%的美國人 think that abortion should be permissible in cases of rape.認為在強奸的情況下應該允許墮胎。 Since Americans are nearly equally split between pro-choice and pro-life positions, we can assume that many people who are pro-life are among those who think that rape exceptions are justified.由於美國人在親選擇和親生活之間幾乎是平等的,因此我們可以假設許多親生活的人屬於認為強姦例外是合理的人。

適度的支持生命的立場在公眾中得到廣泛支持,但很少受到道德哲學家的關注。 在最近的一篇論文中,我建議進行這種令人驚訝的疏忽的原因之一是因為流行的觀點實際上是不一致的。 But it is not for the reason stated in the letter to the RNC.但這不是出於給RNC的信中所述的原因。 Rather, bringing out the incoherency requires us to unpack the underlying moral justification for the view.相反,要消除這種不一致性,就需要我們為該觀點分解潛在的道德理由。

There seem to be three underlying claims for the moderate pro-life position.適度的臨終職位似乎有三個基本主張。 The first claim is: a fetus is a human being from the moment of conception, or else at some point during gestation.第一項主張是:胎兒是從受孕之時起,或者在懷孕期間的某個時刻的人。

The moral point here is that human beings have a right to life, and because a fetus is a human being it too has a right to life.這裡的道德觀點是,人有生命權,因為胎兒是人,所以它也有生命權。 Many people who are pro-choice might deny this claim, but let's accept it for the sake of argument.許多贊成選擇的人可能會否認這一主張,但是為了爭辯,讓我們接受它。


As we saw above, this is the weighing claim familiar to pro-life positions.正如我們在上面所看到的,這是生前職位所熟悉的稱重要求。 It says that a right to life is morally weighty enough to tilt away from a right to bodily autonomy.它說,生命權在道德上具有足夠的分量,可以背離身體自治的權利。


有了這三個要求,我們可以注意到,第三個要求是 辯解條件 on the second claim.關於第二項索賠。 The idea here is that while a fetus's right to life normally outweighs a mother's right to bodily autonomy, when the fetus is conceived as result of rape abortion becomes permissible.這裡的想法是,儘管胎兒的生命權通常要比母親的身體自主權重要,但當胎兒因強姦墮胎而懷孕時,這是可以允許的。 And that means that the moral justification for the moderate pro-life positions stems from the type of act that rape is.這就意味著,適度的親命立場的道義根據是強姦行為的類型。 Rape is of course an extreme violation of someone's autonomy.強姦當然是對某人自主權的極端侵犯。


But now the incoherency reveals itself.但是現在,這種不一致性開始顯現出來。 Consider the following gloss: the moderate pro-life position says that a right to life is stronger than, or outweighs, a right to bodily autonomy,考慮一下以下的表述:適度的生前立場表示生命權比身體自主權更強,甚至更重要, 侵犯生命……身體自主權而產生具有生命權的胎兒。

Once we put in the work to unpack the moderate pro-life position, we see that it makes an appeal to the moral significance of bodily autonomy.一旦我們開展工作以解開溫和的親生立場,我們就會發現它對身體自治的道德意義具有吸引力。 Crucially, it does this while attempting to explain why the act of rape excuses the ordinary weighting of life over autonomy.至關重要的是,它這樣做是在試圖解釋為什麼強姦行為會以生命的平常權重於自治之上為由。 But this is incoherent.但這是不連貫的。 It says that life is more important than autonomy, except when autonomy is more important than life.它說,生活比自治更重要,除非自治比生命更重要。

When someone allows for an exception to abortion in cases of rape, they are acknowledging that there are violations of autonomy that can justify abortion.當某人在強奸案中允許墮胎例外時,他們就承認存在可以證明墮胎正當的違反自治的行為。 And if some violations of autonomy are appropriate grounds, then it cannot be true that a right to life is morally weightier than a right to bodily autonomy.而且,如果有一些違反自治的理由是適當的理由,那么生命權在道德上比身體上的自治權就更重要,這是不正確的。

Some might think that realizing this inconsistency should push moderate pro-lifers to a more extreme position.有人可能會認為,意識到這種矛盾之處應將中等程度的擴散者推向更加極端的位置。 But I think that the hard part is convincing someone that autonomy considerations have但我認為,最困難的部分是說服某人自治方面的考慮 任何 relevance regarding reproductive ethics.與生殖倫理有關。 People who accept the moderate pro-life position are already sympathetic to this point.接受溫和的親生立場的人已經同情這一點。 I believe they can come around to thinking that the law should respect the importance of autonomy more broadly.我相信他們可以轉而認為法律應該更廣泛地尊重自治的重要性。談話


哲學博士後Matthew Scarfone, 多倫多大學

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由James Clear

在這本書中,James Clear 提供了一份關於養成好習慣和改​​掉壞習慣的綜合指南。 該書基於心理學和神經科學的最新研究,包括用於創造持久行為改變的實用建議和策略。


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在這本書中,Faith Harper 博士提供了理解和管理常見情緒和行為問題的指南,包括焦慮、抑鬱和憤怒。 這本書包括有關這些問題背後的科學信息,以及應對和治療的實用建議和練習。




在這本書中,查爾斯·杜希格 (Charles Duhigg) 探討了習慣形成的科學,以及習慣如何影響我們的個人生活和職業生活。 本書包括成功改變習慣的個人和組織的故事,以及實現持久行為改變的實用建議。



通過 BJ 福格

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