. Prostock 工作室/Shutterstock.com

冠狀病毒引起的在家工作的急劇增加似乎可能成為許多組織的永久特徵,至少 一周的一部分。 But while this brings但是儘管這帶來了 諸多好處 to both employees and employers, it's also likely to lead to more people working while ill.對於僱員和雇主而言,這也可能導致更多的人在生病時工作。 This is not good for people's health in the long term and will require companies to actively encourage their employees to take time off when necessary.從長遠來看,這對人們的健康不利,將要求公司在必要時積極鼓勵員工請假。

Working from home allows employees to balance caring responsibilities and other non-work commitments with work demands, as well as reducing commute times and decreasing job-related stress.在家工作使員工能夠在照顧責任和其他非工作承諾與工作需求之間取得平衡,並減少通勤時間並減少與工作有關的壓力。 The benefits to organisations include increased productivity, and a greater flexibility from staff to meet employer needs such as conference calls outside core office hours.對組織的好處包括提高生產力,以及員工更大的靈活性以滿足雇主的需求,例如在核心辦公時間以外召開電話會議。

在家工作的人也會減少病假的時間 比辦公室員工。 Many actually appreciate the ability to work from home while ill, as it allows them to keep on top of their workload, while avoiding the strain of commuting to the office or working a full day.許多人實際上很欣賞生病時在家工作的能力,因為它使他們能夠承擔最大的工作量,同時又避免了通勤去辦公室或全天工作的壓力。 It also prevents workers spreading contagious illnesses to their colleagues – something at the forefront of everyone's minds at the moment.它還可以防止工人向同事傳播傳染性疾病-目前在每個人的腦海中都處於領先地位。

So working when ill is not always bad.因此生病時工作並不總是不好。 Known as sickness presenteeism, the decision is influenced by被稱為疾病表現主義,決定受到 一些因素。 These include your company's sickness absence policies (and how they are applied by managers), the employee's financial pressures, whether there is paid sick leave, high workloads, tight deadlines and job insecurity.其中包括貴公司的病假政策(以及經理如何應用),員工的財務壓力,是否有薪病假,工作量大,期限緊迫和工作不安全。


When voluntary, sickness presenteeism can have other positive benefits.在自願的情況下,疾病出席者可以帶來其他積極的好處。 If employees have a chronic or long-term condition and want to work despite illness, supportive working arrangements such as flexible working or homeworking can help them stay in work.如果員工患有慢性病或長期病,並且想在生病的情況下工作,那麼靈活的工作或家庭作業等支持性工作安排可以幫助他們繼續工作。 This also allows companies這也使公司 留住員工.

但是,如果人們在生病的情況下仍然感到上班的壓力,研究表明,這樣做可能會帶來負面影響 給員工公司.

(為什麼即使在家工作,您也應該比您想像的更頻繁地打電話請病假)沒有人想在辦公室裡咳嗽了。 Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock.com

A number of longitudinal studies – where researchers collected data from the same workers over a period of time – found that working while sick can increase the risks of poor health in the future.許多縱向研究(研究人員在一段時間內從同一名工人那裡收集數據)發現,患病時工作會增加將來健康狀況不佳的風險。 It also increased the risk of workers having to take more time off due to sickness 18 months later.這也增加了工人在XNUMX個月後因病休假的風險。

Sickness presenteeism also has consequences for your mental health.疾病表現主義也會對您的心理健康產生影響。 Research研究 說明 if someone had worked while ill in the previous three months, their psychological well-being took a knock.如果在過去三個月中有人在生病時工作,他們的心理健康就會受到打擊。 People also felt down or irritable, or found it hard to make decisions.人們也感到沮喪或煩躁,或者很難做出決定。

對於某些人來說,這持續了 再兩個月。 Meanwhile, other research同時,其他研究 找到了 即使工人在第一個測量點並未感到沮喪,兩年後生病的工作也會增加患抑鬱症的風險。


Companies generally want to keep employees' absences due to sickness as low as possible.公司通常希望盡量減少因病缺勤的員工。 Presenteeism is often viewed positively if the alternative is sick leave, as employees will get some work done and their role will not need to be covered by co-workers.如果其他方法是請病假,則通常會積極地看待表現主義,因為員工將完成一些工作,而他們的角色將不需要由同事承擔。

但是在研究這個問題時,我還發現請病假不是一個決定 人們掉以輕心。 In one study I worked on, 60% of the participants had attended work while unwell in the previous 12 months.在我進行的一項研究中,有XNUMX%的參與者在過去的XNUMX個月中身體不適,但仍參加了工作。 People reported working through a wide range of health conditions, some serious enough that managers had to intervene and send people home.人們報告說他們在各種各樣的健康狀況下工作,有些狀況非常嚴重,經理不得不干預並將他們送回家。

Working at home makes it harder for managers to see when employees are ill – so they are less likely to tell people to take sick leave.在家工作使經理們更難以看到員工何時生病,因此他們不太可能告訴人們請病假。 In order to keep sick employees from working, companies need to actively encourage employees to take time away from work.為了使患病的員工無法工作,公司需要積極鼓勵員工抽出時間離開工作場所。

Similarly, a recent study found that workers diagnosed with acute respiratory illness or influenza during the 2017-18 influenza season were more likely to carry on working if they could work from home than those without the option.同樣,最近的一項研究發現,與沒有選擇權的人相比,在XNUMX-XNUMX流感季節被診斷出患有急性呼吸道疾病或流行性感冒的工人更有可能繼續工作。 Perhaps not surprisingly, workers who received paid leave領取帶薪休假的工人也許並不奇怪 生病的日子更少.

A key aspect of research into sickness presenteeism is that often the seriousness of the illness is unknown.研究疾病表現主義的一個關鍵方面是,疾病的嚴重性通常是未知的。 In many cases, employees can still work with minor illnesses such as colds and it will not harm their health in the long term.在許多情況下,員工仍然可以治療感冒等輕微疾病,並且從長遠來看不會損害他們的健康。 But workers and employers need to be aware of the potential health risk of working through health conditions that require rest and time to recover.但是,工人和雇主需要意識到在需要休息和恢復時間的健康狀況下工作的潛在健康風險。

Companies who concentrate on controlling sickness absence in the short term may be encouraging sickness presenteeism in the longer term and risk prolonging an illness or making a health condition worse.短期內專注於控制疾病缺席的公司可能會在長期內鼓勵疾病表現主義,並有可能延長疾病發作或使健康狀況惡化。 Just because we can work from home when we are ill, it doesn't always mean that we should – and that includes logging on to our laptop or checking emails from the sick bed.僅僅因為我們生病時可以在家工作,並不總是意味著我們應該-包括登錄我們的筆記本電腦或查看病床中的電子郵件。談話


Alison Collins,領導力和管理領域的讀者, 曼徹斯特城市大學

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