Solarisys /快門

1968年,在上一次重大流感大流行的高峰期,全世界至少有XNUMX萬人死亡, 包括十萬美國人。 That year AMM Payne, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University,那年,耶魯大學流行病學教授AMM Payne 寫道::


該信息值得重複,因為尋求“絕對目標”與尋求“容許水平21年2020月XNUMX日,BMJ 報導 對於集中於保護面臨嚴重COVID風險最大的人,還是對所有人實施封鎖,英國科學家之間的意見分歧。

一組40位科學家寫道 英國首席醫療官的建議,他們應該致力於“在整個人群中抑制病毒”。

In 另一封信,由28位科學家組成的小組建議,“隨著年齡和健康狀況的不同,風險的巨大差異表明,統一政策(適用於所有人)所造成的危害將超過其收益”。 Instead, they called for a “targeted and evidence-based approach to the COVID-19 policy response”.相反,他們呼籲“對COVID-XNUMX政策做出有針對性的,循證的方法”。


一周後,科學作家 斯蒂芬·布蘭尼 wrote a piece for the Guardian arguing that the positions in the letter with 28 authors represent those of a small minority of scientists.為《衛報》寫了一篇文章,論證信中有XNUMX位作者的位置代表了少數科學家的位置。 “The overwhelming scientific consensus still lies with a general lockdown,” he claimed.他聲稱:“壓倒性的科學共識仍然與總體封鎖有關。”

幾天后,超過60位醫生寫了 另一封信 他說:“由於越來越多的數據和現實世界的經驗,我們擔心單軌回應對生命和生計的威脅要比挽救Covid的生命多。”

這個 來回 毫無疑問,這一過程將持續一段時間,儘管有關人士希望將反對的科學觀點和見解視為一種禮物和懷疑和學習的機會,而不是“競爭陣營”。


There are issues, such as global warming, where there is scientific consensus.在諸如科學的共識等全球變暖等問題上。 But consensuses take decades, and COVID-19 is a new disease.但是共識需要數十年的時間,而COVID-XNUMX是一種新疾病。 Uncontrolled experiments in lockdown are still ongoing, and the long-term costs and benefits are not yet known.鎖定中不受控制的實驗仍在進行中,長期成本和收益尚不清楚。 I very much doubt that most scientists in the UK have a settled view on whether pub gardens or universities campuses should be closed or not.我非常懷疑英國的大多數科學家對是否應關閉酒館花園或大學校園沒有定論。 People I talk to have a range of opinions: from those who accept that the disease is now endemic, to those who wonder if it can still be eradicated.我所交談的人有各種各樣的意見:從那些認為這種疾病現在是地方病的人,到那些想知道是否仍可以根除的人。

一些人認為,任何不涉足特定流行病學的流行病學家都懷疑或做得不夠。 造型 and that their views should not carry much weight.並且他們的觀點不應該太重要。 They go on to dismiss the views of other scientists and non-scientist academics as irrelevant.他們繼續否認其他科學家和非科學學者的觀點無關緊要。 But science is not a dogma, and views often need to be modified in the light of increasing knowledge and experience.但是,科學不是教條,常常需要根據不斷增長的知識和經驗來修改觀點。 I am a geographer, so I am used to seeing such games of academic hierarchy played above me, but I do worry when people resort to insulting their colleagues rather than admit that knowledge and circumstance have changed and reappraisal is necessary.我是一個地理學家,所以我習慣於在我上面看到這樣的學術等級遊戲,但是當人們訴諸侮辱同事而不是承認知識和情況已經改變並且需要重新評估時,我確實感到擔心。


Is the cure worse than the disease?治愈比疾病還差嗎? This is the question that currently divides us, so it is worth considering how it might be answered.這是當前使我們分裂的問題,因此值得考慮如何回答。 We would have to know how many people would die of other causes, for example, of suicide (including我們將不得不知道有多少人死於其他原因,例如自殺(包括 兒童自殺),否則就不會發生這種情況,或者是由於飲酒量增加引起的肝病,沒有得到診斷或治療的癌症,從而確定了特定政策挽救生命的時間點。 And then what value should you put on those lost or damaged lives against the economic consequences?然後,您應為那些因經濟後果而喪生或受損的人賦予什麼價值呢?

We do not live in a perfect world with perfect data.我們不會生活在擁有完美數據的完美世界中。 For children, for whom the risk of death from COVID is almost zero and the risks of long-term effects are thought to be very low, it is easier to weigh up the negative effects of not going to school or of being trapped in households with rising domestic abuse.對於因COVID死亡的風險幾乎為零且長期影響的風險被認為非常低的兒童,更容易權衡不上學或被困在家庭中的負面影響家庭虐待上升。

For university students, who are mostly young, a similar set of calculations could be made, including estimating the “cost” of having the infection now, versus the cost of having it later, possibly when the student is with their older relatives at Christmas.對於大多是年輕的大學生,可以進行類似的計算,包括估計現在感染的“成本”與以後感染的成本(可能是當學生在聖誕節與年長的親戚在一起時)。 With older people, though, the calculus – even in a perfect world – would become increasingly complex.但是,對於老年人來說,即使在理想的世界中,演算也會變得越來越複雜。 When you are very old and have very little time left, what risks would you be willing to take?當您年紀大,幾乎沒有時間時,您願意承擔什麼風險? One elderly man famously一位老人著名 聲稱:“在濱海韋斯頓的一處老年住宅中,要再呆兩年,沒有任何值得放棄的樂趣。”

最近的一篇論文 發表在大自然,這表明即使在香港,自98月以來戴口罩的比例超過XNUMX%,也無法在本地消除COVID。 If it is not possible there, it may not be possible anywhere.如果那裡不可能,那麼在任何地方都不可能。

On the brighter side, elsewhere, elderly people have been protected even when transmission rates are high and overall resources are low.從好的方面來看,即使在高傳播率和低資源的情況下,老年人也受到了保護。 In India,在印度, 最近的一項研究 發現“有理由相信,印度老年人的嚴格在家中待命,再加上通過社會福利計劃和社區衛生工作者的定期交往必需品,有助於降低該年齡組在泰米爾納德邦和安得拉的感染率邦。”

However, minimising mortality is not the only goal.但是,降低死亡率並不是唯一的目標。 For those who don't die, the outcome對於那些不死的人,結果 仍然可以 1970年,就在他成為倫敦衛生與熱帶醫學學院院長之前不久,CE戈登·史密斯(CE Gordon Smith) 寫道::

The essential prerequisite of all good public health measures is that careful estimates should be made of their advantages and disadvantages, for both the individual and the community, and that they should be implemented only when there is a significant balance of advantage.所有良好的公共衛生措施的基本前提是,應仔細評估其對個人和社區的利弊,並且只有在利益之間取得重大平衡時才應實施這些措施。 In general, this ethic has been a sound basis for decision in most past situations in the developed world although, as we contemplate the control of milder diseases, quite different considerations such as the convenience or productivity of industry are being brought into these assessments.總體而言,儘管在我們考慮控制輕度疾病的過程中,這些道德標準已成為發達國家過去大多數情況下決策的可靠基礎,但在這些評估中卻考慮了完全不同的考慮因素,例如工業的便利性或生產率。

“競爭陣營”的言論需要結束。 No individual or small group represents the view of the majority.沒有任何個人或小組代表大多數人的觀點。談話


Danny Dorling,Halford Mackinder地理學教授, 牛津大學

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