圖片由 格德阿爾特曼

Holos 在古典希臘語中表示“整體”,並且 熱帶 意思是“傾向”或“朝向”,例如朝向特定狀態或狀況。

The coherence-building process in the universe is a real but subtle process.宇宙中的凝聚力建立過程是一個真實而微妙的過程。 In the contemporary world it is often diverted and dominated by existential, more directly survival-oriented forces and impulses.在當代世界中,它常常被存在的,更直接的以生存為導向的力量和衝動所轉移和支配。 These forces and impulses are not necessarily holotropic;這些力和衝動不一定是全向的。 they tend to be self-centered and competitive.他們傾向於以自我為中心並且具有競爭力。 They polarize the world, rather than heal it.他們使世界兩極分化,而不是治愈它。 Not surpisingly incoherence—or at least a lack of coherence—is prevalent in our world.毫無疑問,不連貫性或至少缺乏連貫性在我們的世界中很普遍。

然而,更深入的了解表明,在不連貫,競爭和混亂的表面之下,正在發生建立連貫性的“全向性”發展。 它們出現在社會的各個領域:商業領域,經濟領域,教育領域,技術發展領域甚至政治領域。

藝術,文學,音樂和整個文化領域均未明確包含在此調查中。 原因是在這些領域中尋求和諧並因此尋求連貫性並不是新出現或經常出現的趨勢。 這是一個決定性的特徵。

作者的緊密合作者金斯利·丹尼斯(Kingsley Dennis)對社會的整體發展進行了研究,並提供了以下概述。



  • Communities from local neighborhoods to entire states are moving beyond conventional hierarchical structures and relations toward decentralized networks that connect people.從本地社區到整個州的社區正在從傳統的等級結構和關係轉移到連接人的分散網絡。 Development in any community is increasingly reaching others and has an impact on the others.任何社區的發展都越來越多地影響其他社區,並且對其他社區產生影響。

  • As people connect with one another on multiple levels, from the local to the global, empathy is growing among people, whether they are next to each other or on opposite sides of the world.當人們從本地到全球在多個層次上相互聯繫時,人們之間的同理心在不斷增長,無論他們是相鄰的還是在世界的另一端。 Communication creates ties between people, and between people and nature.交流在人與人之間以及人與自然之間建立聯繫。

  • New media platforms are shifting social structures and organizations away from top-down forms toward decentralization and distributed power relations.新的媒體平台正在使社會結構和組織從自上而下的形式轉向分散化和權力分配關係。 Controlling hierarchies are weakening as information technologies allow greater transparency, exposing corruption and illegal or criminal intent.隨著信息技術允許更高的透明度,暴露出腐敗以及非法或犯罪意圖,控制層次結構正在減弱。 As a result, fears over surveillance and violations of privacy appear exaggerated and are diminishing.結果,對於監視和對隱私的侵犯的恐懼似乎被誇大了並且正在減少。


  • Discoveries in science give rise to revolutionary “disruptive” technologies, such as artificial intelligence (IT), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), biotechnology, energy storage, and quantum computing.科學的發現引發了革命性的“破壞性”技術,例如人工智能(IT),機器人技術,物聯網(IoT),生物技術,能量存儲和量子計算。 These technologies transform established structures and practices and open the door to innovation and creativity.這些技術改變了已建立的結構和實踐,並為創新和創造力打開了大門。

  • Technologies that enhance connection and use connection to create transparency are replacing technologies of supervision and control.增強連接並使用連接來創建透明性的技術正在取代監督和控制技術。 Open “cloud” technologies are becoming the standard in data collection, storage, and sharing.開放的“雲”技術正在成為數據收集,存儲和共享的標準。
  • 新技術鼓勵人們研究和開發與人類生活和福祉潛在相關的迄今尚未探索的領域,例如研究意識和超個人交流。

  • 社交媒體,視頻製作,遊戲平台,增強現實和公民新聞等新的“媒體生態”使人們能夠產生並分享他們的夢想和抱負以及希望和挫敗感。


  • Health and well-being are coming to be seen as dependent in a large measure on the integrity of nature.人們越來越認為健康和福祉在很大程度上取決於自然的完整性。 Environmental protection is moving from being a well-meaning charity to a basic requirement of healthy human life.環境保護正在從善意的慈善變成了健康人類生活的基本要求。

  • 衛生部門正在從處理先入為主的療法和合成藥物轉變為註重健康的個人所要求和促進的自然療法和做法。

  • People are learning to trust their own bodies more than commercially motivated prescriptions;人們正在學會信任自己的身體,而不是出於商業動機的處方。 they are beginning to rely on their own intrinsic intelligence.他們開始依靠自己的內在智慧。
  • More and more people seek to live in tune with the rhythms and balances of nature.越來越多的人尋求與自然的節奏和平衡保持一致。 Living nature is becoming recognized as a major source and an essential resource of health and well-being.人們已經認識到,生活自然是健康和福祉的主要來源和必不可少的資源。 A plethora of new health disciplines are arising, such as information and energy medicine and “return to nature” therapies.湧現出許多新的健康學科,例如信息和能量醫學以及“回歸自然”療法。


  • Thanks to advances in interactive media technologies, the range and sources of learning are expanding from the local to the global.由於交互式媒體技術的進步,學習的範圍和來源正在從本地擴展到全球。 The new learning environments are international, intercultural, and interactive.新的學習環境是國際的,跨文化的和互動的。 They bring together learners with teachers from around the world.他們將學習者與來自世界各地的老師聚集在一起。

  • The learning environment is no longer limited to one-way communication between teacher and student.學習環境不再局限於師生之間的單向交流。 The classical classroom is disappearing.古典教室正在消失。

  • The objective of education is shifting from handing to students preconceived schemes that fit them into existing niches in business and society to producing skills and techniques that help students become co-creators of their curriculum.教育的目標是從幫助學生適應自己的先入為主的計劃轉變為適合他們在商業和社會中現有的利基市場,再轉變為培養技能和技術以幫助學生成為課程的共同創造者。 The new generation of learners are content developers and not merely content consumers.新一代的學習者是內容開發者,而不僅僅是內容消費者。


  • 社會地位不再僅僅取決於一個人賺了多少錢,一個人積累了多少奢侈和炫耀,而且也越來越取決於一個人如何花錢以及一個人過著多麼明智的生活。

  • Changes in values and ideals shape and shift the living environment;價值觀和理想的變化塑造並改變了生活環境; in many parts of the world, city, town, and national administrations are responding to demands for socially and ecologically sound environments.在世界許多地方,城市,城鎮和國家行政管理部門都在響應對社會和生態健康環境的需求。 Megacities and dense urban hubs are decentralizing, giving way to suburban communities and rural living spaces that allow contact with peers and with nature.特大城市和密集的城市中心正在分散,讓位於郊區的社區和農村生活空間讓與同齡人和大自然接觸。


  • Alternative forms of economic organization are arising in the footsteps of new technologies of networked communication and distributive computation.經濟組織的替代形式出現在網絡通信和分佈式計算新技術的腳步中。 In the emerging economies, nature is not a burdensome externality but an organic part of the system of life.在新興經濟體中,自然不是繁重的外部性,而是生命系統的有機組成部分。

  • Economic activity is increasingly decentralized, with its center of activity moving from the international to the local level.經濟活動越來越分散,其活動中心已從國際轉移到地方。 In its advanced form it is focusing on the exploration and exploitation of the human and natural resources offered by the local environment.它以高級形式集中於對當地環境提供的人力和自然資源的探索和開發。
  • 經濟增長本身越來越不是目標和價值。 人們越來越多地參考其人類和自然利益以及其社會資本對其進行評估。 我們的願望是找到並維持經濟活動的社會和生態效益規模和規模。

  • Offshore activities and tax havens are more and more monitored.離岸活動和避稅天堂受到越來越多的監控。 There are increasing shifts to make obscure financial transactions more transparent and to be gradually replaced by transactions between communal institutions, ethical banks, and other social-benefit-oriented financial organizations and instruments.為了使晦澀難懂的金融交易更加透明,並逐漸被社區機構,道德銀行以及其他面向社會效益的金融組織和工具之間的交易所取代,正在發生著越來越多的變化。

  • More and more financial institutions will trade in and accept digital currencies.越來越多的金融機構將進行交易並接受數字貨幣。 This will give rise to various nongovernmental currencies that will prove popular among a younger generation.這將產生各種非政府貨幣,這些貨幣將在年輕一代中廣受歡迎。 New forms of digital currencies will also help to finance localized projects and creative start-ups.新形式的數字貨幣也將有助於為本地化項目和富有創意的初創企業提供資金。

  • Inspired by the example of Bhutan's Gross National Happiness scheme, in many quarters human well-being is considered the criterion of economic success.受不丹國民幸福總值計劃的啟發,在許多方面,人類福祉被視為經濟成功的標準。 Slowly but significantly, economics is becoming, in EF Schumacher's words, “a system working as if people mattered.”用EF舒馬赫(EF Schumacher)的話說,經濟學正在緩慢而重要地成為“一個好像人們在乎的系統。”


  • 人們相信商業公司存在是為了為其所有者和股東賺錢,這使人們認識到,公司的目標是為生活受到公司影響的人們(利益相關者)的福祉提供服務。

  • 業務成就不是主要通過市場份額和盈利能力的增長來衡量,而是通過公司對員工,合作者,客戶和家庭社區的生活和福祉的貢獻來衡量。

  • As individual initiatives are more valued and a wider range of voices and values are taken into account in a company's management, collisions and conflict are not suppressed, but explored in view of finding collaborative solutions.隨著個人計劃的價值越來越高,並且公司管理層考慮到了廣泛的聲音和價值觀,衝突和衝突並沒有得到抑制,而是為了找到協作解決方案而進行了探索。 As a result, levels of trust are rising in many quarters of the business world.結果,在企業界的許多方面,信任水平都在提高。


  • In advanced-thinking parts of the world, seizing and holding power is not the unique or even the principal goal of politics.在世界上思想先進的地區,奪取和掌握權力不是政治的唯一目標,甚至不是主要目標。 In those countries, professional politicians are increasingly replaced by socially conscious and ethically committed citizen-activists.在這些國家,越來越多的職業政治家被具有社會意識和道德承諾的公民活動家所取代。

  • Force of arms and weapons of destruction are becoming recognized as dangerous and in the last count unnecessary instruments.武器和毀滅性武器已被認為是危險的,最後是不必要的工具。 Criminals and potential aggressors are better reeducated and reintegrated than forcefully suppressed or eliminated.與強行鎮壓或消滅罪犯和潛在侵略者相比,他們得到了更好的重新教育和融入社會。

  • In some advanced-thinking circles, there is a faint but growing realization that as long as motivations for aggression and violence can be countered by nonviolent means, security can be assured without giant military establishments and weapons of mass destruction.在一些具有先進思想的圈子裡,人們已經淡淡但逐漸意識到,只要可以通過非暴力手段抵制侵略和暴力的動機,就可以在沒有巨型軍事機構和大規模殺傷性武器的情況下確保安全。 Creating modest- size police forces that wield just sufficient power to keep potential aggressors and criminals in check may suffice when backed by national and international emergency forces.在國家和國際緊急部隊的支持下,建立適度規模的警察部隊以充分發揮作用,以控制潛在的侵略者和犯罪分子就足夠了。

所有這些領域的發展都具有共同特徵。 它們不是分離而是整合。 他們尋求平衡與連貫。 他們可以治愈裂變和破裂,抵抗自願或非自願的敵意和侵略。 這些跡象表明,即使沒有有意識的指示,無論是來自民間社會還是來自政府,仍然有一些團體和社區正變得完全同性戀。

這些思想高尚和善解人意的社區負責組織成員之間以及成員與其他社區之間的聯繫和溝通。 他們似乎是通過對直覺療法的直覺理解來指導的:團結,同理心和同情心。 最終,在行動和行為中出現了一些珍貴的(甚至是罕見的)實例,這些事實證明了真愛在其成員之間以及成員與其他社區之間不斷發展。


形式 drive or impetus present in the universe, the holo-tropic attractor, leaves its mark on human consciousness, and this shows up in developments on the contemporary scene.整體吸引子是存在於宇宙中的驅動力或推動力,它在人類意識上留下了印記,這在當代場景的發展中得以體現。 Some of these developments are unsuspectedly connection- and wholeness- oriented: they are “holotropic.”毫無疑問,其中一些發展是面向連接和整體性的:它們是“全息的”。 Some fields of activity and interest, and some communities of living and working achieve a notable form and level of holotropism.一些活動和興趣領域,以及一些生活和工作社區實現了明顯的形式和水平的整群人。

As these lines are written, even the mainstream media has partially reversed its focus on some previously derided and dismissed subjects, such as UFOs, other dimensions, and similar “esoteric” phenomena.在撰寫這些文章時,即使是主流媒體也已將其註意力部分轉移到了一些先前被嘲笑和忽視的主題上,例如不明飛行物,其他維度以及類似的“神秘”現象。 This shift is occurring even though the bulk of modern people still holds to the secular materialist paradigm developed during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and through the scientific and industrial revolutions.即使大多數現代人仍然堅持文藝復興時期,啟蒙運動以及科學和工業革命期間形成的世俗唯物主義範式,這種轉變仍在發生。

A timely spread of holotropism is not a utopian prospect.及時傳播全人類療法不是烏托邦式的前景。 We know that there is an intrinsic tendency in the universe toward complexity and coherence;我們知道,宇宙存在一種內在的趨向於復雜性和連貫性。 toward the formation of complex and coherent systems.走向複雜和連貫的系統。 We are part of the universe, and deep down we share this tendency.我們是宇宙的一部分,而我們內心深處也擁有這種趨勢。 There are impulses in our subconscious and even in our conscious mind that perceive the allure of wholeness and oneness, and seek to align us with their dictates.在我們的潛意識甚至意識意識中都有衝動,可以感知整體性和統一性的誘惑力,並試圖使我們與他們的命令保持一致。

The world is changing, and our thinking is changing as well.世界在變化,我們的思想也在變化。 A breakthrough to a new view of the world, and thus to a new way of relating to the world, is no longer merely possible;突破世界的新觀點,從而突破與世界的新聯繫方式,不再僅僅是可能的; it is becoming plausible.它變得合理。


If we bring up the courage and the detemination, we can align with the holotropic attractor that shapes development in us and around us.如果我們鼓起勇氣和決心,就可以與影響我們以及我們周圍發展的全向吸引子保持一致。 The question is whether we will bring up the courage and the determination, and do so in good time.問題是我們是否會及時鼓起勇氣和決心。 This is a crucial question because, as Gandhi said, we need to這是一個至關重要的問題,因為正如甘地所說,我們需要 be the change we want to see in the world.我們想在世界上看到的變化。 If we are to effectively champion holotropic development in the world, we need to become holotropic ourselves.如果我們要有效地支持世界上的整體發展,我們就必須自己成為整體。

我們可以通過多種方式實現全向性,也可以通過許多方式為自己的整體性和連貫性發展向性。 我們可以參加已經在健康和教育,商業和政治等各個領域發起的團結和同情心運動。 我們還可以在我們周圍創建或嘗試創建面向連貫性的運動。 我們選擇的路徑可以是精神領袖,薩滿或信奉瑜伽者的個人路徑,也可以是社會和政治活動家的公共路徑,或者是同時追求的這些路徑的組合。

The key requirement is the spread of holotropism in the contemporary world.關鍵要求是全人類主義在當代世界中的傳播。 For the present, the urgent is dominating the important in people's thinking.就目前而言,當務之急是控制人們思想中的重要問題。 Most people focus on the most urgent tasks in front of them, taking one thing at a time.大多數人專注於眼前最緊迫的任務,一次只做一件事。 This is a human trait, and it is useful for assuring our existence in the world.這是人的特質,對於確保我們在世界上的存在很有用。 But it fragments the world into individual paths and fields of interest and is not conducive to promoting coherent development.但是它把世界分割成各個感興趣的道路和領域,不利於促進協調發展。

除了與吸引我們,影響我們乃至世界發展的吸引者保持一致之外,別無選擇。 我們可以這樣做,因為整體性和聯繫性不是我們強加給自己和他人的東西:從根本上說,我們已經是相互聯繫的和整體性的。 我們只需要使這種聯繫和整體性達到我們日常意識的水平。 這仍然有待完成。 就目前而言,我們沒有將這些衝動帶入我們的意識中,而是將它們埋藏在存在的任務和擔憂中。

We have divorced ourselves from the natural world.我們已經脫離了自然界。 This has many manifestations and consequences.這有許多表現形式和後果。 To begin with, we are no longer aligned with the rhythms and balances of nature.首先,我們不再與自然的節奏和平衡保持一致。

We are built into the rhythms of the earth, but we create our own rhythms that often conflict with them.我們已經融入了地球的節奏中,但是我們創造了自己的節奏,這些節奏經常與它們衝突。 Rising with the sun and retiring with the sun is to align with the twenty-four-hour circadian rhythm created by the movement of the earth around the sun, and so-called primitive people still live in harmony with nature, and so do most of the remaining indigineous and traditional cultures.與太陽一起升起和與太陽一起退休,是要與地球圍繞太陽運動產生的二十四小時的晝夜節律保持一致,所謂的原始人仍然與大自然和諧相處,因此大多數人其餘的土著和傳統文化。

但是現代人無視自然的節奏和平衡,並相信他們可以通過輕按開關來打開和關閉燈光和其他人工便利來代替自然。 但是,我們的身體與人工節奏不符,因此後果不堪設想。 我們的免疫系統的有效性受損,疾病可能擴散。 我們已經與生物鐘“不同步”。

Modern populations are urban dwellers, and have limited contact with nature.現代人口是城市居民,與自然的接觸有限。 They live in an artificial world, and believe that it is the real world.他們生活在人造世界中,並相信這是真實世界。 They hold themselves superior to all other forms of life and hold that they can master nature as they wish.他們擁有超越一切其他生活形式的優勢,並認為自己可以按照自己的意願掌握自然。

Even just fifty years ago, animal intelligence researcher Jane Goodall had to fight the still dominant belief that chimpanzees are biochemical stimulus-response mechanisms, not living and feeling beings.即使在五十年前,動物情報研究者珍·古道爾(Jane Goodall)仍必須與仍然占主導地位的信念抗衡,即黑猩猩是生化刺激反應機制,而不是生物和感覺生物。 Today, we realize that not just higher mammals, but all living organisms, and even trees and plants, are sensitive living beings, and they are not fundamentally dif-fer ent from us.今天,我們意識到,不僅高等哺乳動物,而且所有生物,甚至樹木和植物都是敏感的生物,它們與我們根本沒有不同。

In the best interest of our physical and mental wellbeing, and in the primary interest of ensuring the continuation of the human adventure on the planet, that we need to rectify these misconceptions and errant behaviors.為了我們的身心健康的最大利益,以及確保繼續人類在地球上冒險的首要利益,我們需要糾正這些誤解和錯誤行為。 We need to reconnect to nature.我們需要重新與自然聯繫。 When we do so, we reenter a community of living, feeling beings.當我們這樣做時,我們會重新進入一個有生命的社區。

版權所有2020 by Ervin Laszlo。 版權所有。
一個印記 聖馬丁出版集團


作者:Ervin Laszlo

重新連接源頭:埃文·拉斯洛的精神體驗新科學這本具有革命性且功能強大的書將挑戰您重新考慮我們自身經驗的界限,並改變我們對周圍世界的看法。 對於那些想知道他們如何有意識地與統治宇宙的力量和“吸引者”保持一致並使人們成為活著的,有意識的人們處於巨大的進化過程中的人來說,它是一種獨特的,從未有過的資源。在地球上展開。

點擊此處獲取更多信息和/或訂購此平裝書。 Also available as a Kindle edition, an Audiobook and an Audio CD還提供Kindle版,有聲讀物和音頻CD

Ervin Laszlo的更多書籍


歐文拉茲洛Ervin Laszlo是一位哲學家和系統科學家。 兩次獲得諾貝爾和平獎提名,他發表了超過75書籍和400文章和研究論文。 一小時PBS專題的主題 現代天才的生活,拉斯洛是國際智囊團布達佩斯俱樂部和享有聲望的拉斯洛新範式研究所的創始人和總裁。 他是《 RecONNectng to the rce (聖馬丁出版社,紐約,2020年XNUMX月)。

視頻/ Ervin Laszlo訪談:冠狀病毒與人類的進化-我們現在需要做的事情! 
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視頻/與Ervin Laszlo的演示:TEDxNavigli的新愛情宣言
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