圖片由 Devanath 

“格拉,阿曼,給我買一對約旦牛仔褲。”當我們走進百貨商店的寬闊玻璃門時,我的聲音在wh吟中發出。 My dad used to joke that I was the only person he knew who called her jeans by name: my Guess jeans, my Jordache, my Calvin Kleins.我父親曾經開玩笑說,我是他認識的唯一一個叫她牛仔褲的名字的人:我的Guess牛仔褲,我的Jordache和我的Calvin Kleins。 I knew when Esprit was in and I wore Esprit matching outfits, starched cotton shirts with pleated shorts, joined at the center by the essential thin leather belt.我知道Esprit進駐的時候,我穿著Esprit相配的服裝,即打褶短褲的澱粉棉襯衫,並由基本的細皮帶綁在中間。

It was, in fact, too time consuming to figure out what to wear each morning;實際上,弄清楚每天早上穿什麼衣服太費時間。 thus, I would scour my closet the evening before, picking out just the perfect clothes for school the next day.因此,我會在前一天晚上去洗手間,第二天才挑選最適合學校的衣服。 Back then, every season demanded new clothes: back to school clothes, summer clothes, spring clothes, birthday clothes....那時,每個季節都需要新衣服:回到學校衣服,夏天的衣服,春天的衣服,生日的衣服...。

Now I live on the holy banks of the Ganges, in Rishikesh, India.現在,我住在印度瑞詩凱詩的恒河聖地。 I sit each evening as the sun's last rays dance off Her waters, a child's soft, dirty arms wrapped around my neck, dozens of others vying for my hand, finger, or a place on my lap.我每天晚上坐著,當太陽的最後一縷陽光從她的水面上跳來跳去時,一個小孩柔軟柔軟的手臂纏在我的脖子上,還有幾十個其他人在爭奪我的手,手指或膝蓋上的位置。 We are gathered together with hundreds of others to offer our prayers, our thanks, and our love to God in a fire/light ceremony called Aarti.我們與成百上千的其他人聚集在一起,在名為Aarti的火光儀式中向上帝祈禱和感謝。

The stress, the tension, the pains of the day melt away into the heat of the flames and are carried swiftly away by the purifying current of Mother Ganga.白天的壓力,緊張和痛苦逐漸消散到火焰的熱量中,並被恒河母親的淨化之流迅速帶走。 The children, children who live well below the Western standard of poverty but with an unmistakable glow of joy in their eyes, sit and sing with their heads on my lap, their voices loud and out of tune.這些孩子的生活遠遠低於西方的貧困標準,但他們的眼神中充滿了喜悅,他們的頭坐在我的膝蓋上唱歌,聲音大聲不協調。 In their young innocence and piety, they are oblivious to any sense of self-consciousness.在他們年輕的純真和虔誠中,他們沒有任何自我意識。

The evening wind blows gently across our faces, carrying misty drops of Ganga's waters onto our cheeks, already wet with tears of divine surrender.傍晚的風輕輕拂過我們的臉龐,將甘加的水霧滴落在我們的臉頰上,兩頰已經濕透了神聖的投降之淚。 Ganga flows quickly, dark as the night yet as light as the day.恒河快速流動,黑夜漆黑,白晝光亮。 I am surrounded by people singing, singing the glories of God, singing the glories of life.我周圍是唱歌的人,唱歌神的榮耀,生活的榮耀。



當太陽在喜馬拉雅山上聳立時,我每天都會醒來,為所有人帶來光明,生命和新的一天。 我每天晚上都在Ganga母親的避難所裡睡覺,因為她繼續她不斷的海洋之旅。 我花了一整天的時間在電腦上工作,因為在我居住的修道院的背景中播放精神歌曲,一個沒有獻給一個大師或一個教派的聚會,但他的名字是 帕瑪斯·耐克坦(Parmarth Niketan),這是致力於所有人福祉的住所。

My days are filled with seva, Sanskrit for selfless service.我的日子充滿了梵語seva的無私服務。 I work for schools, hospitals, and ecological programs.我為學校,醫院和生態計劃工作。 Now I never wear jeans at all, except on rare occasions when I am back in Los Angeles with my parents, and my mother insists that I look "normal."現在,我幾乎從不穿牛仔褲,除了極少數情況下,我和父母一起回到洛杉磯,母親堅持認為我看起來“正常”。 Today, I give away my nicest clothes to others, knowing how happy it will make them.今天,我將最好的衣服送給別人,知道它將使他們多麼幸福。 Today, all the possessions I own (mainly books, journals, and a filing cabinet) fit on the floor of a closet at my parents' house.今天,我所有的財產(主要是書籍,日記本和文件櫃)都放在我父母家裡壁櫥的地板上。


My parents came to visit me in Rishikesh last Christmas.去年聖誕節,我的父母來瑞詩凱詩拜訪了我。 Christmas had always been a time for extensive wish lists, arranged and rearranged in meticulous order of preference.聖誕節一直是大量願望清單的時間,按照喜好的順序排列和重新排列。 The anticipatory excitement of waiting for Christmas morning was matched only by the thrill of tearing away wrapping paper to reveal what treasure lay beneath.等待聖誕節早晨的預料中的興奮只有撕開包裝紙來揭示下面藏著什麼寶藏的快感。

When my parents came this year, it was the first time I had seen them in four months, and it would be another four months before I saw them again.今年我父母來的時候,這是我四個月以來第一次見到他們,再過四個月,我才能再次見到他們。 On their last day, they were generously preparing envelopes filled with the equivalent of more than a month's salary for each of the boys who had cared for them during their visit, boys I call Bhaiya (brother): the cook, the driver, the cleaner.在他們的最後一天,他們慷慨地準備了信封,裡面裝滿了每個月要照顧他們的男孩一個月以上的薪水,這些男孩我稱為Bhaiya(兄弟):廚師,司機,清潔工。

“沒事。”我毫不猶豫地說道。 “哦,拜託,”她說,彷彿我的樸實生活只是對別人的展示。 “我們是你的父母。” "Well," I replied, "If you really want to give something, you can make a donation to our children's schools."我回答說:“好吧,如果你真的想捐點東西,可以向我們的孩子們的學校捐款。”

發生了什麼? 如何從名字上打電話給我的牛仔褲,從無法開始一天沒有雙重格子,從好萊塢和比佛利山莊的生活到恒河河岸的修女生活? 如何從不能休息兩個多小時不停地工作,花費更多時間抱怨我的工作而不是實際工作,如何從每天工作十五小時,每週工作七天不是一分錢,而是一絲不苟的喜悅? 如何成為一個狂熱的電影迷,成為一個寧願在電腦上工作或冥想的人? 如何成為一個“完美的夜晚”意味著一個美味,昂貴的晚餐和電影,而不是在家裡喝熱牛奶的人?

這怎麼發生的? 答案是上帝的祝福。 我的自我會喜歡說,“哦,我做到了。我決定讓自己成為一個更好的人。我成了精神,努力擺脫西方世界的束縛。” 但這只是我自我的幻想。 這不是真的。 事實是,上帝把我抱在懷裡,把我帶到了我應該活著的生活中。


人們經常問我,“過渡難道不是很難嗎?男孩,你必須要真正適應。難道你不想錯過西方生活,舒適的生活嗎?” 我告訴他們,

想像一下,你有八英尺的大小。 然而,你的整個人生告訴過你,事實上,你有五英尺的大小。 他們沒有惡意或有意識地欺騙。 相反,他們真的相信你的腳是五號。 因此,在你的整個生命中,你穿著尺寸為5英尺的尺碼。 當然,他們感到不舒服和緊張,你發現了慢性水皰和雞眼,但你只是覺得這就是鞋子的感覺; 無論何時你向任何人提起它,他們都向你保證,是的,鞋子總是感覺緊張,總是給水泡。 這就是鞋子的方式。 所以,你停止了質疑。 然後,有一天,有人將你的腳滑進8號鞋......啊,“你說。”所以,這就是鞋子的感覺。“

但後來人們問道,“但是,你是如何適應穿這種尺碼的八隻鞋的呢?難道你不會錯過五號鞋的尺寸嗎?” 當然不是。

回到印度的家鄉感覺就像把8英尺大小的鞋子滑進8號鞋:恰到好處。 我每天早上都醒來 - 就像小孩子衝進他們父母的床,抱在床下,在開始他們的一天之前躺在媽媽的懷裡一樣 - 我像一個年幼的孩子一樣沖向甘加。 “早上好,媽媽,”我在迎風喜馬拉雅山脈的風中說道,直到她不斷流淌的水面。 我向她鞠躬,喝了一把神聖的花蜜。 我站起來,她的水沖過我的赤腳,生命和神性的四分之一進入了我早晨人類的低迷狀態。 當我從喜馬拉雅山上升起的太陽開始反射出她無邊無際的海水時,我雙手祈禱。


然後我走回修道院的台階,進入冉冉升起的太陽的耀眼光線,然後走到我的辦公室。 它幾乎沒有6:30 AM

這一天充滿了工作,在電腦上工作,坐在辦公室裡:新項目的建議; 報告已經存在的項目; 關於如何改進我們正在開展的工作的想法; 給那些慷慨資助我們學校,醫院,救護車和生態計劃的人的信; 我所生活的聖人的信件; 並且編輯了關於梵歌的精美書籍,母親的教誨,由傑出的印度思想家所寫的書籍,但是拼寫錯誤和語法錯誤。

“你有沒有休息一天?” 人們問。 我笑。 “休息日”我可以做些什麼?坐在床上畫我的腳趾甲?為什麼我想要一個?我的生活就是工作。我更平靜,更快樂,更充滿神聖的幸福我致力於為文盲提供教育,為失業人員提供培訓,為病人提供藥品,為寒冷提供毛衣,為自己可能在其他任何地方做一個眼淚的微笑。這項工作和今生一直是我可以想像的上帝。


Why would people who don't even know me possibly be interested in the joy I have found in life?為什麼什至不認識我的人可能會對我在生活中找到的快樂感興趣? Because it is not what we are taught.因為這不是我們所教的。 We are taught that joy in life comes from having money, a good education, the latest material possessions, relaxing vacations, and a white picket fence around our home.我們被告知,生活的快樂來自擁有金錢,良好的教育,最新的財產,輕鬆的假期以及我們家周圍的白色柵欄。

And, if we have all those things and are not happy, our culture simply says, "Acquire more. Make more money, get another degree, buy this or that, take another sun-soaked trip to Mexico, build a higher white fence."而且,如果我們擁有所有這些東西而又不高興,我們的文化就會簡單地說:“獲得更多。賺更多的錢,獲得另一個學位,買這個或那個,再去一個陽光普照的墨西哥之旅,建造一個更高的白色籬笆。 ” No one ever says, "You have the wrong things!"沒有人會說:“你做錯了什麼!” No one ever tells us that money, education, possessions, and vacations are wonderful, that they bring comfort, but that they are not the key to happiness.沒有人告訴我們金錢,教育,財產和假期是美好的,它們帶來舒適,但它們並不是幸福的關鍵。 No one tells us that to be in service is one of the greatest joys in the world.沒有人告訴我們,服役是世界上最大的樂趣之一。

有一些陳詞濫調,比如“給予比給予更好”,但這些詞更可能出現在書店自助部分的一本書中,而不是在我們的嘴唇或心中。 今天,當我看到一個只能以30“恢復你的年輕美麗”的護膚霜廣告時,我想到有二十個孩子在喜馬拉雅山中發抖,他們可以拿著同樣數量的毛衣。 我想知道,真正將青春帶到我的存在,護膚霜或知道二十個孩子不再顫抖的知識?

我發現我以前認為所有的東西都是必不可少的 - 我的身體可以承受的睡眠,我想要的時候吃飯,有空調的車 - 不要開始給我的生命帶來健康在服務中。



On a recent trip back to America, I had just arrived into LA after forty hours of travel, preceded by days of unusually long hours preparing for the two-week absence.在最近一次回美國的旅行中,我經過四十小時的旅行才剛來到洛杉磯,然後幾天的時間異常漫長,為兩週的缺勤做準備。 At 9:45 PM, I received a message that I must write and send a fax to Bombay, to people who wanted to send six truckloads of clothing, utensils, and food to earthquake victims in the Himalayas.晚上XNUMX:XNUMX,我收到一條消息,我必須寫信並將傳真發送給孟買,發給想要向喜馬拉雅山地震災民運送六卡車裝的衣服,器皿和食物的人。 They had contacted our ashram requesting specific information immediately in order to dispatch the trucks.他們已聯繫我們的聚會所,要求立即提供具體信息,以便派出卡車。

Now, I had not slept in over forty-eight hours (other than a few hours caught on the airplane), and I was just about to brush my teeth and head for bed.現在,我沒有睡超過XNUMX個小時(除了在飛機上呆了幾個小時),而且我正要刷牙並準備睡覺。 But the knowledge that these people were going to bring shelter to those who were stranded, clothe those who were without, give food to a region that for weeks had been without water or electricity was enough of a catalyst to send me right to the computer.但是,這些人將為困苦的人們提供住所,為那些沒有生活的人們穿衣,為一個地區連續數週沒有水或電的地區提供食物的知識足以使我進入計算機領域。

As I stood over the fax machine, trying to get through to Bombay, my mother came over for the third time, insisting that I go to sleep: "You haven't slept in days. You have to get up in the morning, and it's already 10:15. Enough!"當我站在傳真機上,試圖到達孟買時,母親第三次過來,堅持要我入睡:“你沒睡幾天,你必須早上起床,然後已經是XNUMX:XNUMX了! What?什麼? Trade six truckloads of disaster supplies for twenty minutes of sleep?以六輛卡車的災難物資換來二十分鐘的睡眠? In whose world?在誰的世界?

But this was a rationale that I used to believe: my needs came first.但這是我曾經相信的理由:我的需求排在第一位。 Only then, once they were met, could I help others.只有在他們遇到後,我才能幫助他人。 It's like on airplanes when they describe what to do in case the oxygen masks drop: secure your own mask, then help others.這就像在飛機上描述氧氣面罩掉落時該怎麼辦:固定好自己的面罩,然後幫助他人。 But, I have discovered something different in life.但是,我發現生活中有些不同。

I have discovered the incredible health -- not only mental and spiritual but also physical -- that comes from being selflessly in service.我發現了無與倫比的健康-不僅僅在精神和精神上而且在身體上-來自無私奉獻的服務。 Any friend of mine will vouch for how somatically focused I used to be, always running to take care of this ache, that pain, this "signal" from my body.我的任何一個朋友都將證明我過去在身體上的專注程度,總是會努力照顧這種疼痛,疼痛,我身體上的這種“信號”。 I would panic at the prospect of getting less than the necessary eight hours of sleep a night, because then I would undoubtedly get sick and the world would come to an end.我會對一夜不到所需的八個小時的睡眠感到恐慌,因為那樣的話,我無疑會生病,世界將終結。


Yes, there are times when it is important and healthy to nurture oneself, when one must first take care of one's own needs -- be they physical, emotional, or psychological.是的,有時候養育自己重要而健康,那時候必須首先照顧好自己的需求-無論是身體上,情感上還是心理上。 There are times when this work can actually make one much more able to be selfless later.有時候,這項工作實際上可以使以後變得更加無私。

However, I feel that our culture today is focused backward: we are taught that the majority of our focus should be on ourselves and then, once our needs are met, we should give a token amount of time and energy to charitable endeavors.但是,我感到我們今天的文化向後聚焦:我們被告知,我們的大部分注意力應該放在自己身上,然後,一旦我們的需求得到滿足,我們就應該在慈善事業上付出大量的時間和精力。 And we wonder why we don't feel a divine connection, why we don't wake up each day filled with ecstatic joy at the thought of jumping from bed and beginning the day.而且我們想知道為什麼我們不感到神的連接,為什麼我們每天不醒來就從床上跳下來開始新的一天而欣喜若狂。

Could it be that the priorities are backward, that, yes, we must take care of ourselves, but that our own satisfaction does not have to be our primary goal?難道優先事項是落後的,是的,我們必須照顧好自己,但是我們自己的滿意不一定是我們的主要目標嗎? Could it be that changing the lives of others is exactly what we need to help us change our own lives?難道改變他人的生活正是我們幫助我們改變自己的生活所需要的嗎? Could it be that a beautiful divine connection can also be found in simple surrender to His will, and not only in ardent, arduous, spiritual "practice"?是否可以通過簡單地屈服於祂的旨意,而不僅是在熱烈,艱鉅的屬靈“實踐”中找到美好的神聖聯繫?


對我來說,一切都是為了投降,為真理,為了快樂,為了上帝的旨意。 我的計劃是什麼? 只有天知道。 我本身沒有任何計劃。 如果我“負責”,我將永遠留在印度,建立學校,孤兒院和醫院,每天只停留在恒河岸的阿爾蒂工作。 但是,我學到的一件事是我們不負責任。 誰能知道會發生什麼事呢? 一場突發事故,突如其來的疾病,突然的彩票勝利,突然欣喜若狂的頓悟......

“願你成為我的意志。” And the messages come clearly.並且消息清楚地傳達出來。 His voice is loud and unmistakable, if only I am quiet and still enough to hear.只要我安靜且仍能聽到他的聲音,他的聲音就會響亮而毫不含糊。

Sure, there are times when I will say to Him, "But why this? That's not how I would have done it."當然,有時候我會對他說:“但是為什麼要這麼做?那不是我本來應該做的。” Yet, the answer usually comes relatively quickly;然而,答案通常是相對較快的。 a few hours, days, or weeks later I will understand why He pushed me in a certain new direction.幾個小時,幾天或幾週後,我將明白為什麼他將我推向了一個新的方向。

所以,我的生命在上帝的手中。 如果他問過我肯定會告訴他我想要的就是能夠永遠留在恒河岸邊。 但他還沒有問過。 然而,藉著祂神聖的恩典,祂使我在那裡,每一天我都越來越感激。

新世界圖書館。 ©2002。


由Stephen Dinan編輯。




薩迪維·巴格瓦蒂(Sadhvi Bhagwati)SADHVI BHAGWATI(néePhoebeGarfield)在瑞詩凱詩為印度最著名的聖徒Swamiji Chidananda Saraswati工作,為學校,孤兒院,生態項目和學術項目提供精神服務。 訪問網站 帕瑪斯(Pamarth)Niketan Ashram 在印度瑞詩凱詩。

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati的視頻/ TEDx演示:從好萊塢到聖樹林
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