OK everyone...the world is whirling and maybe your brains need some rest time.好的,大家...世界在旋轉,也許您的大腦需要一些休息時間。 Breathe...呼吸...

This Pluto video combines two human beliefs: 1) a dog is man's best friend, and 2) wisdom comes from the mouth of the little ones.該冥王星視頻結合了兩種人類信仰:24)狗是人類的最好朋友,並且XNUMX)智慧來自小孩子的嘴巴。 Well this little dog, Pluto, is definitely full of friendly wisdom and good advice.好吧,這隻小狗冥王星肯定充滿了友好的智慧和良好的建議。 Hear his take on the stress and addictive nature of the XNUMX-hour news channels.聽聽他對XNUMX小時新聞頻道的壓力和令人上癮的本質的看法。

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