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愛爾蘭以其文學和歌舞,其酒吧和現成的幽默,崎嶇的風景和綠色的田野以及下雨而聞名。 但氣候變化可能導致未來愛爾蘭看起來不同。

Summer visitors to Ireland used to coping with frequent outpourings from the heavens might be in for a bit of a shock in future if the latest projections on the country’s climate by Met ?ireann, the Irish Meteorological Service, prove correct.

In a just-released report, Ireland’s climate: the road ahead, Met ?ireann says that as a result of climate change summers will become considerably drier, with up to a 20% decrease in precipitation. But winters will become wetter, with precipitation increases of up to 14%.

這可能意味著那些著名的綠色田野將在春季和夏季失去其茂盛的氣候。 這種情況發生在今年早些時候,由於缺少降雨,愛爾蘭大部分地區的草原變成了棕色。


結果,農民被迫以犧牲進口牛羊為主,而愛爾蘭的農業部門 - 該國經濟的重要組成部分 - 遭受了嚴重的經濟損失。

同時冬季多雨可能導致洪水氾濫 - 許多地區已成為問題。


In its report Met ?ireann notes a generally warming trend in Ireland, with mean annual temperatures rising by approximately 0.8°C over the 1900 to 2012 period and a marked increase in the number of warm days – when temperatures exceed 20°C – and a decrease in the number of frost days per year.

This upward trend in temperatures is likely to accelerate in the years ahead, says Met ?ireann, with a rise of 1.5°C by mid-century compared with average temperatures over the 1981 to 2010 period. Warming is likely to be particularly marked in the north of the country.


“...預測表明愛爾蘭的溫度超過30°C可能會在未來更頻繁地出現,這就構成了挑戰。 如果這些變化是漸進的,那麼人們就有適應的空間。“

該報告稱,較溫和的冬季平均會減少老年人和體弱者的與感冒有關的死亡。 但這可能會被夏季炎熱導致死亡率上升所抵消。



Not only people but wildlife will struggle to adapt to a more volatile future climate, says Met ?ireann.



Gerald Fleming is Met ?ireann’s head of forecasting. Quoted in the Irish Times, he said: “The science is very strong and has been strong in every successive IPCC report, right up to this latest, fifth one.

“但社會上有很多既得利益者說我們不應該關注這一點。 還有人們的自然保守主義,他們說:“我在這種氣候中長大,我看到各種各樣的事情發生了,我的祖父也看到了事情的發生。” “ - 氣候新聞網