圖片由 格德阿爾特曼 

從本質上講,我們是5維人類。 這已經編碼在我們的DNA中。 5D人類是憑著自己的智慧生活的。 他們感到完全有能力,並且對自己和其他所有人發出無條件的愛和不審判。 從5D意識中,我們知道我們與所有創造物相互聯繫。 我們生活在充滿活力和歡樂中,並不斷獲得無限的創造力。 這使所有生物得以繁衍!

However, over the last 12,000 years or so, most people on the planet have lost their ability to connect with this.但是,在過去的20年左右的時間裡,地球上的大多數人都失去了與此聯繫的能力。 We have ended up operating on less than 10% of our full power;我們最終只能以不到12%的全力運行; we have shut down XNUMX out of the XNUMX strands of our DNA and thrust ourselves into separation consciousness, filling our beautiful planet with cruelty, violence, and suffering.我們已經關閉了XNUMX條DNA中的XNUMX條,並將自己置於分離意識中,使我們美麗的星球充滿了殘酷,暴力和痛苦。

When we collectively shut our gifts down, we lost the ability to consciously create our reality, and thus we found ourselves living in a painful world, no longer self-sovereign beings.當我們集體關閉禮物時,我們失去了有意識地創造自己的現實的能力,因此我們發現自己生活在一個痛苦的世界中,不再是自主權。 Now is the time to reverse this.現在是扭轉這種情況的時候了。 Now is the time to step into our 5D frequency and embody our 5th dimensional nature.現在是時候進入我們的XNUMXD頻率並體現我們的XNUMX維尺寸本性了。 The more we do this, the less we can tolerate suffering of any kind, be it our own, that of other humans, or the suffering we have imposed on Mother Earth.我們做得越多,我們所忍受的任何形式的苦難就越少,無論是我們自己,其他人類的苦難,還是我們對地球母親造成的苦難。


As we re-activate our multidimensional DNA codes, we reclaim our lost gifts which include highly developed empathic and psychic abilities, and we learn to step fully into co-creating our lives with the Divine force of the Universe.當我們重新激活多維DNA代碼時,我們會收回丟失的禮物,其中包括高度發展的同理心和心理能力,並且我們學會充分邁入與宇宙的神聖力量共同創造我們的生活。 Understanding our multidimensionality gives us access to the workings of our Universe, so we understand how the material world is formed and therefore can create a higher vibrational world on our planet, much like the ancient Atlanteans did at the peak of their civilization.了解我們的多維性使我們能夠接觸到宇宙的運作方式,因此我們了解了物質世界的形成方式,因此可以在我們的星球上創建一個更高的振動世界,就像古代亞特蘭提斯人在其文明鼎盛時期所做的那樣。

Our old world is dying.我們的舊世界快要死了。 We can no longer tolerate the imbalance, which was created when the patriarchy banished the Sacred Feminine.我們再也不能容忍這種不平衡,這種不平衡是在父權制驅逐了神聖女性時造成的。 All of us are being touched by the current transformative energy of death and rebirth.當前,死亡和重生的變革能量感動著我們所有人。 How we deal with these energies is key.我們如何處理這些能量是關鍵。 Raising our frequency, ie, the speed at which our cells vibrate, allows us to collectively hold an enlightened consciousness to birth New Earth, to usher in a new Golden Age.提高頻率,即細胞振動的速度,使我們能夠共同掌握開明新地球誕生的開明意識,從而迎來新的黃金時代。 But reclaiming this ability is no easy task.但是,要恢復這種能力並非易事。



This psycho-spiritual process of raising our frequency, of becoming the 5D humans we are meant to be, is complex and challenging.這種提高我們的頻率,成為我們注定要成為4D人類的心理精神過程既複雜又具有挑戰性。 The journey includes healing our emotional wounds.旅程包括治愈我們的情感創傷。 It also includes the ongoing process of identifying and integrating our personal and collective shadow in order to keep our emotional energy field clear.它還包括識別和整合我們的個人和集體陰影的持續過程,以保持我們的情感能量場清晰。 This is necessary so higher dimensional portals can remain open and we do not get stuck in duality in XNUMXD.這是必要的,因此高維門戶可以保持開放,並且我們不會陷入XNUMXD的雙重性。  

Victim consciousness sprang up on our planet since the dimensional descent, the real story behind the biblical Fall (and not Eve's fault!), so it is rare to not be traumatized.自從尺寸下降以來,受害人的意識在我們的星球上如雨後春筍般湧現,這是聖經《墮落》背後的真實故事(而不是夏娃的錯!),因此很少遭受創傷。 Healing those traumas, which can include our experiences in this lifetime, other lifetimes, and ancestral pain, can clearly be a daunting task, but truly one that we are ready to take on.治愈那些創傷,包括我們在這一生中的經歷,其他世代和祖先的痛苦,顯然是一項艱鉅的任務,但確實是我們準備承擔的任務。


This transition is also asking us to let go of all that is familiar as we enter uncharted territory.這種過渡還要求我們放開進入未知領域的所有熟悉的事物。 And one of the natural 3D human responses to entering the unknown is fear.而人類對進入未知世界的自然XNUMXD反應之一就是恐懼。 When we make choices from this fear, consciously or unconsciously, we resist the changes necessary to allow the old world to die away gracefully and the new one to birth with ease.當我們有意識或無意識地從這種恐懼中做出選擇時,我們會抵制必要的改變,以使舊世界優雅地消失,而新世界輕鬆地誕生。 If we don't identify this fear and resistance within us, we will see it reflected in our outer world.如果我們在內部沒有發現這種恐懼和抵制,我們將看到它反映在我們的外部世界中。

And so we see this right now.因此,我們現在看到了這一點。 Light is shining into our collective shadow, bringing it to the surface.光正在照進我們的集體陰影,將其帶到表面。 All the repressed anger, dysfunction, and hatred has bubbled up.所有被壓抑的憤怒,功能障礙和仇恨都已冒出。 It is showing us the suffering and brutality caused by our fear of “the other.”它向我們展示了我們對“另一個”的恐懼所造成的痛苦和殘酷。


It is time to own up to this dark underbelly of our country, to name it, to apologize for it, to create a new structure where these atrocities will be both acknowledged and never again occur.現在是時候讓我們擁有這個黑暗的肋骨,為它命名,為它道歉,創建一個新的結構,使這些暴行既得到承認,也不會再發生。 It is concurrently time to own up to our inner dark underbelly in order to heal our emotional wounds, awaken our multidimensional consciousness, and step into our multidimensional potential in order to create a spiritually awakened planet.現在是同時擁有我們內在的黑暗腹部,以治愈我們的情感創傷,喚醒我們的多維意識,並踏入我們的多維潛力以創建一個精神上喚醒的星球的時候。


Our journey eases as we learn to go easy on ourselves, to unconditionally love ourselves, shadow and all.當我們學會對自己放鬆,無條件地愛自己,陰影和一切時,我們的旅程就會輕鬆。 This is what keeps our shadow from getting projected out and harming others.這就是使我們的影子不會被投射出來並傷害他人的原因。 The journey also eases as we accept and learn to deal with our inner resistances to change.當我們接受並學會應對改變的內在阻力時,旅途也會輕鬆。 We have been conditioned from birth to believe in our limitations and, ultimately, our powerlessness.我們從出生就開始受到條件的束縛,堅信自己的局限性以及最終的無能為力。 We have been trained to see only a very small portion of reality.我們受過訓練,只能看到很小一部分的現實。 As we awaken, we will find parts of ourselves resisting this new enlightened way of life.當我們醒來時,我們會發現自己的某些部分正在抵制這種開明的新生活方式。 Learning how to deal with these parts as they arise will quicken our journey and make it far more enjoyable.學習如何處理這些出現的部分將加快我們的旅程,並使之更加有趣。

We also need to activate and empower our visions of how beautiful and loving our planet can be.我們還需要激活並增強我們對我們的星球多麼美麗和充滿愛的願景。 Let yourself create these and see our planet filled with loving, spiritually awakened people;讓自己創造這些東西,看看我們的星球充滿了充滿愛心,在精神上覺醒的人; a planet filled with 5D humans.一個充滿XNUMXD人類的星球。 Let images of what it will be like when enough of us open our hearts and consistently honor our interconnectedness with each other, with all beings and with Mother Earth.讓我們想像一下,當我們足夠的人敞開心胸,並始終如一地尊重彼此之間,與眾生之間以及與大地母親之間的相互聯繫時的景象。

Imagine that every single person on the planet has their basic needs met, that resources are fairly shared and we all can live in comfort, peacefulness, and beauty.想像一下,地球上的每個人都有基本的需求得到滿足,資源被公平地共享,我們所有人都可以生活在舒適,和平與美麗的環境中。 See that every child born is welcomed, appreciated, and nurtured.看到每個出生的孩子都受到歡迎,讚賞和培養。 Imagine each and every person being honored for the contribution they are here to make, whether something as simple as creating a beautiful garden or as grand as creating energy tools to heal all diseases that might arise.想像每個人在這裡所做的貢獻而感到榮幸,無論是創建一個美麗的花園之類的簡單事物,還是創建能治愈可能出現的所有疾病的能源工具之類的宏偉事物。

Give your imagination free reign.給您的想像力自由統治。 Remember we have been programmed to believe such a world is impossible, so when your doubts show up, remind yourself that there is a much, much larger reality than you have been raised to believe.請記住,我們已經被編程為相信這樣一個世界是不可能的,所以當您的疑惑出現時,提醒自己,存在著一個比被培養相信還要大得多的現實。 Keep paying attention to your heart, allowing the energy of that heart love to continually expand.持續關注您的心臟,讓那顆內心的愛的能量不斷擴展。 Bathe yourself in this love and ultimately send to all beings on our planet.在這種愛中沐浴自己,並最終送給我們星球上的所有人。


We are ready to activate those dormant DNA codes.我們準備激活這些休眠的DNA代碼。 We are ready to release the pain, suffering, and limitation and to create the life and the planet of our dreams.我們準備釋放痛苦,痛苦和局限,並創造生活和夢想的星球。

We are ready to stop living from the constraints of our minds and start living from the wisdom of our hearts.我們準備停止擺脫思維的束縛,開始擺脫內心的智慧。 As we do this, life begins to shift both incrementally and monumentally, and together we birth New Earth, the planet we all deserve to live on.當我們這樣做時,生活開始逐漸地和巨大地變化,我們共同誕生了新地球,這是我們所有人都應賴以生存的星球。


  1. 是什麼讓您對我們星球上當前正在發生的變化和挑戰感到興奮,而對它們感到恐懼呢?

  2. 您通常如何應對恐懼和變化?

  3. 有哪些舊的信念和有條件的回應使您無法完全相信我們可以將這個世界變成一生一世的和平,公正和充滿愛心的地方?

  4. What does New Earth look like to you?新地球對您來說是什麼樣? Can you see thriving, loving communities?您能看到欣欣向榮的社區嗎? How would it feel to live on such a planet?在這樣的星球上生活會有什麼樣的感覺?

  5. What gifts, talents, and/or interests do you have that contribute to this transformation?您有哪些天賦,才能和/或興趣促成這一轉變? Are you ready to share those with the world?您準備好與世界分享這些內容了嗎? If not, what steps do you need to take to become more ready?如果不是,您需要採取什麼步驟來做好準備?

©2020年,朱迪思·科文·布萊克本(Judith Corvin-Blackburn)。 版權所有。



激活5D頻率:朱迪思·科文·布萊克本(Judith Corvin-Blackburn)的《邁向更高維度的旅程》指南我們正處於一個偉大的過渡時期。 更高頻率的光正氾濫在我們的星球上,喚醒了許多人,以喚回我們作為五維人類的本性。 作為5D人類,我們發自內心的智慧,團結意識,無條件的愛和無限的創造力。 5D人類對同情,心靈感應,千里眼和千里眼有著高度發展的內在感覺-這些品質在我們經歷這種維度轉變時正在向許多人開放。 儘管這一旅程令人興奮,但它的需求卻是壓倒性的。 在這份激活5D潛在潛伏在我們DNA中的動手指南中,朱迪思·科文·布萊克本(Judith Corvin-Blackburn)向我們展示瞭如何駕馭昇華過程,包括如何處理情緒,抵抗和恐懼並歡迎我們的5D頻率。

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朱迪思·科文·布萊克本(Judith Corvin-Blackburn),LCSW,DMin,Judith Corvin-Blackburn,LCSW,DMin,從事超個人心理治療師已有40多年的歷史。 她是三本書的作者,一名薩滿教牧師,一位全國公認的老師,也是薩滿教徒多維神秘學校的聯合創始人。 訪問她的網站: EmpoweringTheSpirit.com/.

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