
超過 90%的大腦發育發生在頭五年 of life.生活。 Early learning matters, and creates a solid foundation for future development.早期學習很重要,並為將來的發展奠定了堅實的基礎。

Philosophical underpinnings in early education matter too.早期教育的哲學基礎也很重要。 They influence the interactions between teachers and children, the environment design and beliefs about how children learn.它們會影響教師與孩子之間的互動,環境設計以及對孩子學習方式的信念。

The demographic diversity of Australia means no single early learning philosophy will suit everyone.澳大利亞的人口多樣性意味著沒有一種適合所有人的早期學習哲學。 Parents can find it difficult choosing a service given the plethora on offer.鑑於有太多的優惠,父母會發現很難選擇一項服務。



施泰納教育(也稱為 華爾)基於魯道夫·施泰納的教育理念。 It originated in Germany in the early 20th century.它起源於XNUMX世紀初的德國。


It is focused on self-directed learning, based on children's interests.它著重於根據孩子的興趣進行自主學習。 Steiner education encourages self-motivated learning that supports and encourages problem solving, critical thinking, creativity and social skills.施泰納教育鼓勵自我激勵的學習,支持和鼓勵解決問題,批判性思維,創造力和社交技巧。

When learning is self-directed, children's motivation doesn't come from rewards.當學習是自我指導的時候,孩子的動力就不是來自獎勵。 Instead, they are相反,它們是 訂婚 因為他們覺得這很令人滿意。

A Steiner childcare centre or preschool engages children in self-directed play, and in the arts.施泰納(Steiner)托兒中心或學前班讓孩子們進行自主遊戲和藝術活動。 Children draw, paint, model, tell stories and do practical things like cooking, cleaning and gardening.孩子們繪畫,繪畫,建模,講故事並做一些實際的事情,例如做飯,打掃衛生和園藝。 There would be more arts and craft in a Steiner-inspired setting than a mainstream one.在Steiner啟發的環境中,將會有比主流藝術和手工藝品更多的藝術品。



您可以在Steiner啟發的托兒中心(Montessori steiner或reggio emilia,這是最適合您的家庭的托兒哲學)中期待更多的藝術品和手工藝品。您可以在Steiner啟發的托兒中心期待更多的藝術品和手工藝品. SHUTTERSTOCK

施泰納的學習資源是 簡單和低技術 to stimulate curiosity and creativity.激發好奇心和創造力。 A Steiner classroom may include weaving materials, crayons, puppets, natural fibres and natural timber.施泰納教室可能包括編織材料,蠟筆,木偶,天然纖維和天然木材。


Genuine Steiner schools are certified and use a specific Steiner curriculum.真正的斯坦納學校經過認證,並使用特定的斯坦納課程。 They attract families who would like their child to develop their creativity in a predictable, routine environment with little to no technology.他們吸引了希望自己的孩子在可預見的,例行的環境中發展自己的創造力的家庭,而這些家庭幾乎不需要技術。

Limited research has been conducted into Steiner education.對斯坦納教育的研究有限。 What research exist mainly relates to schools rather than childcare.現有的研究主要涉及學校而不是育兒。 Some studies show一些研究表明 施泰納風格學校的學生 與公立學校的學生相比,獲得更高的學業成績(使用相同的測試方法時)和社會成果。


瑪麗亞·蒙特梭利博士 was a medical doctor and psychiatrist.是一名醫生和精神科醫生。 She opened a school for disadvantaged children in early 20th century Rome, to test her education theories.她在100世紀初的羅馬為弱勢兒童開設了一所學校,以測試她的教育理論。 There are now Montessori schools in more than XNUMX countries.現在,在XNUMX多個國家/地區設有蒙特梭利學校。

Montessori's philosophy is based on her direct observations of children, and integrating their development with their learning.蒙特梭利的哲學基於她對兒童的直接觀察,並將他們的發展與學習相結合。 The focus is on play and work, as children like to model adults and be involved in real-world tasks.重點在於遊戲和工作,因為兒童喜歡模仿成年人並參與實際任務。 The philosophy sees children as capable of self-directed learning, who can independently choose resources to use in their learning.這種哲學認為兒童具有自主學習的能力,他們可以獨立選擇用於學習的資源。

孩子的第一本學習資料是 可能遇到 in the Montessori environment will be used for practical life activities.在蒙特梭利環境中將被用於實際生活活動。 These include pouring different materials, using utensils such as scissors and tongs, cleaning, preparing snacks, laying the table and washing dishes, arranging flowers and gardening.其中包括倒入不同的材料,使用剪刀和鉗子之類的器具,清潔,準備小吃,擺桌子和洗碗,安排鮮花和園藝。 The aim is to develop independent skills and to build their gross and fine motor control and hand-eye co-ordination.目的是發展獨立技能,並建立他們的總體和精細運動控制和手眼協調能力。

倒酒可以促進粗壯和精細的運動技能的發展。倒酒可以促進粗壯和精細的運動技能的發展。 SHUTTERSTOCK

Montessori resources are specifically designed, often sensory.蒙台梭利的資源是專門設計的,通常帶有感官。 They are to encourage matching, rhyming, sequencing, sandpaper letters and numbers for finger tracing, cutting, writing and drawing, sewing, weaving and woodworking.他們將鼓勵匹配,押韻,排序,砂紙字母和數字進行手指追踪,切割,書寫和繪圖,縫紉,編織和木工。

Resources help children learn through repetition and self-correction.資源可以幫助孩子通過重複和自我糾正來學習。 A child manipulating a puzzle can see their mistake if the pieces don't fit together and self-correct as they go.如果各部分不匹配並且無法自行糾正,則操作拼圖的孩子會看到他們的錯誤。

與Steiner方法不同,蒙台梭利環境中的孩子是根據能力而不是年齡分組的。 多年齡教室有很多好處,支持孩子們按照自己的節奏工作。 They provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and to develop a sense of community.它們為對等學習和發展社區意識提供了機會。


在澳大利亞,教育和護理服務可以參加澳大利亞蒙特梭利針對蒙特梭利質量標準的外部審核,並成為 “蒙台梭利註冊™。 Parents can search the家長可以搜尋 蒙特梭利澳大利亞 目錄,以確認服務是受蒙台梭利啟發還是蒙台梭利註冊。

蒙特梭利的資源通常是基於感官的,就像砂紙字母一樣。蒙特梭利的資源通常是基於感官的,就像砂紙字母一樣。 SHUTTERSTOCK

There is limited evaluation of the Montessori method in Australia, particularly for children aged under three.澳大利亞對蒙台梭利方法的評估有限,尤其是對於三歲以下的兒童。 Some一些 研究表明 參加蒙台梭利環境的3-6歲兒童比參加非蒙台梭利環境的兒童在社交和學術技能上有顯著的進步-但前提是使用規定的蒙台梭利計劃而無需進行適應。

美國的一項研究 與非蒙台梭利兒童相比,參加蒙台梭利服務的3-6歲兒童具有更高的學術和社交技能,以及對技能和執行功能的更好掌握。


Reggio Emilia方法在意大利北部的一個城市中建立。 After the end of World War 2 and fascism, parents and educators looked for new educational experiences.第二次世界大戰和法西斯主義結束後,父母和教育者尋求新的教育經歷。

的第一所幼兒園 雷焦艾米利亞開業 1963年與教育家洛里斯·馬拉格齊(Loris Malaguzzi)合作。

1991年,該市的學前班之一戴安娜學前班被命名為 世界上最先進的幼兒園之一 by Newsweek, in recognition of the preschool's innovative teaching practices.新聞周刊,以表彰幼兒園的創新教學實踐。 These preschools saw the child as an active citizen and holder of rights from birth, valued for their individual identity and active participation in their learning.這些學前班把孩子視為積極的公民,從出生起就享有權利,因其個人身份和積極參與學習而受到重視。

與蒙台梭利環境下更為結構化的教育計劃形成鮮明對比的是,雷焦艾米利亞(Reggio Emilia)設計的教師 課程 that follow children's interests and learning.遵循兒童的興趣和學習。 Teachers assume different roles including researcher, role model, observer, documenter, photographer and student.教師承擔著不同的角色,包括研究員,榜樣,觀察員,記錄員,攝影師和學生。

A teacher may see children are interested in nesting birds in the tree outside their classroom.老師可能會看到孩子對在教室外面的樹上築巢的鳥感興趣。 The teacher may first establish what the children already know about the birds.老師可以首先確定孩子們對鳥類的了解。 Then the teacher may offer children the opportunity to draw the birds in the nest, create sculptures of the nest and read children books about bird species.然後,老師可以給孩子們一個機會,在巢中畫鳥,創作巢的雕塑並為孩子們閱讀有關鳥類的書籍。 The teacher could also photograph the children engaged in learning about the birds and do further research themselves.老師還可以為從事鳥類學習的孩子拍照,並自己做進一步的研究。


Reggio Emilia schools are renowned for their aesthetics.雷焦艾米利亞(Reggio Emilia)學校以其美學著稱。 Each resource is purposefully placed in the classroom to invite children to explore and create with it.每種資源都專門放置在教室中,以邀請孩子們探索和創造資源。 Resources can include items such as PVC piping, boxes, fabrics, buckets, stones, blocks and clay.資源可以包括諸如PVC管道,盒子,織物,桶,石頭,塊和黏土之類的項目。 Classrooms are bright and open, designed to allow children to move freely between spaces.教室明亮開放,旨在讓孩子們在各個空間之間自由移動。

An exact replica of Reggio Emilia can't be recreated outside the town, as each services must reflect its cultural, political and historical context.雷焦艾米利亞(Reggio Emilia)的精確複製品無法在城鎮外重建,因為每項服務都必須反映其文化,政治和歷史背景。 So centres refer to themselves as "Reggio-inspired”. These individual differences make it difficult to evaluate.因此,中心將自己稱為“雷焦啟發”,這些個體差異使評估變得困難。談話


Nadia Wilson-Ali,博士研究生, 伊迪絲科文大學 和瑪麗安·卡諾斯(Marianne Knaus)副教授, 伊迪絲科文大學

本文重新發表 談話 根據知識共享許可。 閱讀 原創文章.



以下是目前 Amazon.com 上最暢銷的 5 本非小說類育兒書籍:


丹尼爾·J·西格爾和蒂娜·佩恩·布賴森 (Tina Payne Bryson)




丹尼爾·J·西格爾和蒂娜·佩恩·布賴森 (Tina Payne Bryson)

The Whole-Brain Child 的作者為父母提供指導,以促進情緒調節、解決問題和同理心的方式管教孩子。



作者:Adele Faber和Elaine Mazlish








勞拉·馬卡姆 (Laura Markham) 博士

